Special FRIDAY Express B*TCHFest - 1 gripe only
So, joining in. "I have made the decision to go through with WLS and I AM SCARED TO DEATH" I see that as "Uninformed" -- I no longer reply to those posts. But if I did I would say...don't effin' do it then, you are just needing some attention.
AND this one----- Mary, now that you have lost 90 pounds, you must have so much confidence. NEWS FLASH: I ALWAYS HAVE BEEN CONFIDENT!
I have a great boss, and I like working for her, except in one respect. We both work from home, she's in TX I'm in CA. She calls me just to gossip! She has two young-uns, under 3, and has a nanny so she can concentrate on work. Except when the nanny doesn't show up or has issues, or is busy doing something else (really?). Then there's her mother, who's come for overnight visits twice in the 6 months I've worked on her team. And on and on... Her nanny this, her mother that, this person at work said blah blah, the neighbor did this other thing, yadda yadda. OMG, let me off the phone PLEEZ!
And then... today my dog pooped in the house for the first time! I leave the back door open all day, so she has full and free access to a back yard that's perfect for toileting. The dog is a rescue, about 6 yrs old, I've had her for a year. WTF??? No change in environment that I can see. Except I live behind an elementary school, and school started this week. But that was Tuesday, this is Friday. Also she gained 10 lbs in that year, so I've cut back on her treats, but again, that's been going on for several weeks now. What completely shocks me is that she has access to the back yard but chose to poop in the house anyway. Grrr!
I am sick and tired about hearing how god saved you, wtf he didn't care when you had five comorbs and couldn't walk 20 feet. God didn't save you either insurance or the taxpayers did. And if you can't go that route and can't afford to pay yourself what does that say, god wants you to die in your MO body and doesn't give **** how much you suffer along the way. Honestly the amount of people who die everyday in wars over this so-called god is heartbreaking, if he exists he's a sick sadist **** who deserves to be slapped for the **** that goes on this planet he supposedly created and cares about.