Looking for friends in Ohio!
Hi everyone! I'm looking for friends who will understand my journey (I am in the beginning stages of getting gastric bypass) and would LOVE to find some friends in Ohio! Of course friends from any state are welcome!
To tell you a little bit about me:
- I am 26 and happily engaged.
-Just moved into a big farmhouse with a huge yard. Very excited about renting this property!
-I have two future step kids 9 and 10.
- I also have two insane Siamese kittens that I love dearly even if they are jerk offs sometimes
-I work as a nanny and love every second of it.
Hope to make some new friends on here!
Hi Mandy. What part of Ohio are you in? I'm a little bit north of Columbus.
Please note: I AM NOT A DOCTOR. If you want medical advice, talk to your doctor. Whatever I post, there is probably some surgeon or other health care provider somewhere that disagrees with me. If you want to know what your surgeon thinks, then ask him or her. Check out my blog.