Hernia repair
So it's been 2 months since I had a hernia repair due to having one LARGE hernia (3 small ones the dr had to make one big one). He had to do it open due to the size of it. Everything seem to go ok even though I notice I had some numb feeling around my belly button, and that I got a suture granuloma..which let my skin look like a belly button. So he had to go in and fix that which he had to do 3 in incision - between this and the repair I have started to have pain in the hernia area. Not sure how many people have had the hernia repair which continue to experiment with pain. I had a thin plastic type mesh put in with absorbable sutures inside. I feel like I've done a ton of ab work and I wear a binder to help but it still hurts and the area where the numbness is kinda hurt...and is senstive. Any thoughts? Thank you! Ruth
I think I would call the surgeon's office first. Did he/she tell you to wear the binder after this surgery? Could it be causing a problem in that area that has suffered a lot of trauma in 2 surgeries? You might have an infection under the skin where it is not visible. Could be scar tissue although that seems pretty early on for that to form. It could be a suture has torn or is pulling on tissue inside.
What do you mean yo have done a ton of ab work? Exercising? It may have been too early or too much.
There are so many "could be's" that I think you might be better off asking a professional about it. Good luck tho.
Yes the surgeon is aware and he did state to wear the binder which is really something to protect the rib cage and i have it lightly around my abdominal area. I shutter think I have scar tissue development or pulls...but it could be pulling in there. I meant to say the soreness feels like I've done 1,000 ab exercise. I have done no exercise as of yet due to the pain and soreness. Thanks for your thoughts...
I, too, had a large hernia and had a piece of mesh put in when they did the repair (open surgery). The one of the suture lines where the mesh was stitched in hurt like hell for well over a month. In fact, other than my tummy tuck, the hernia repair surgery hurt more than any open surgery I have ever had (including my open RNY). The other area hurt for the same amount of time but the pain was much less intense. My surgeon said that is common and you just have to wait for everything to heal up.
i didn't find that the binder helped at all, but some people do.
p.s. About 2.5 years after I had the hernia repair done, I had to have another open surgery to remove the mesh as well as a bunch of adhesions from that surgery and my tummy tuck. The scar tissue was causing my intestine to "grow into" the mesh and had been causing intermittent severe pain for almost 18 months.
14 years out; 190 pounds lost, 165 pound loss maintained
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