is puking 4 years after the band normal?

on 8/18/14 4:47 am - san benardino, CA

I had the and done 4 yars ago I have lost over 100 pounds and the last few months I have been puking I have totally become a vegetarian...I started taking one kind of meds and I puked regularly but I'm not on the nmeds and I'm still point...the fat Dr has me getting a referral to have a GI done...has anyone one had slipping or puking problems afteryears of having and working a weight loss program

Mo Diggity
on 8/18/14 6:29 am - poughkeepsie, NY
RNY on 07/03/13

I can't help you with your question, but just wanted to say that you may wanna post this in the lapband forum for more help. click the link below.... Good Luck !!

Maureen Tired of Living my Life in the Dark

on 8/18/14 8:42 am - san benardino, CA

Thank you I have been following all doctors and nutricianist advice

The band has worked very well for me tonceI let go and allowed my heart

Tocontrol things and not my heali

on 8/18/14 7:51 am - Vancouver, WA

If you are vomiting, your band has gotten too tight and you need some unfilling. It can slip at any time not just early out so I'm, surprised your doc didn't check you for that or maybe that is why he is sending you to a GI doc but I would think he would know how to deal with it himself. It is very common to have this problem and it really calls for some immediate action because the longer this goes on the more damage it causes. Many people like myself end up with permanent damage from the band, it is a bad product that  doesn't work for a vast number of us.

on 8/18/14 9:17 am

Not normal at all, but too common.

I would see my surgeon for an unfill while I waited for the GI work up.


You should not be vomitting at all, let alone daily.  Something is not right and you risk more and more damage every time you throw up.

Get some fluid out to stop the cycle ..... And go to liquids until you stop throwing up.

Once the esophagus is inflamed, the tendency to continue to vomit keeps going up.


on 8/18/14 12:36 pm

Unfortunately, puking IS part of having the band.  It is not supposed to be, but I don't see how one can have the band and not puke.  And no, it is NOT an automatic assumption that u aren't doing things right, so don't let people tell you that.  But, I am not sure what your becoming a vegetarian has to do with it other than maybe it is WHY you are puking.  Veggies were always "if-y" with my band and I always focused on protein first.  There was rarely room for veggies.  So I am curious how you were getting the right amount of protein.

If puking is a new problem that you have not been dealing with, first - congrats on that!.  Second, please see your surgeon and see if you aren't too tight.  The band is fickle and the back and forth is one reason I just got rid of mine.

  All posts that I make on this site, any forum, are a result in my having experience and caring for anyone having to go through life as an obese person. If you have medical issues, please see your doctor for medical advice.



on 8/19/14 3:19 am - san benardino, CA

Whey protein shakes 

Smoothies withGreek yogurt since it has high protein content

And anytype of beans and nuts and peanut butter

Kate -True Brit
on 8/18/14 3:55 pm - UK

No, it's not normal. Like Kathkeb, I virtually never brng food up.

the first thing to do is get some saline out. If you are lucky, all it iis, is a build up of scar tissue causing the band to feel tighter and a small amount of saline removed will sort it out. It did for me. There are other possibilities like a slip but don't assume the worst! 

Highest 290, Banded - 248   Lowest 139 (too thin!). Comfort zone 155-165.

Happily banded since May 2006.  Regain of 28lbs 2013-14.  ALL GONE!

But some has returned! Up to 175, argh! Off we go again,


on 8/19/14 3:21 am - san benardino, CA

I'm waiting on the upper GI test to see if there is a problem with the band itself

Thank youfor your help and keep up the good workr

Valerie G.
on 8/18/14 11:29 pm - Northwest Mountains, GA

NO - this is not normal

YES - post on the Lapband forum (they will confirm)

Keep on your doc for answers.  The last thing you want is to wind up in a life-or-death situation needing emergency surgery.

DS 2005

There is room on this earth for all of God's creatures..
next to the mashed potatoes
