Can you have a Gastirc band after a kidney Transplant?
Hello all, I'm new to this page. I had a kidney transplant three years ago after thirteen years on dialysis. During that time my health went down hill to the point I ended up in a wheelchair due to been tired and weak so quickly. I was making good progress till I contracted CMV & PARVO last year which put me back months walking wise.
however I would really like to know if you can have a Gastric band fitted after a kidney transplant? I wise to here from people who have or are on the way to having it done if its possie. Thank you for your time xxx
We are so sorry to hear all you have been through. It sounds like you are doing better now
This question needs to be answered by a medical professional as there are so many variables and your medical issues dictate which direction to take. We suggest you find a Weight Loss Surgeon and have a one on one consult with them. If you need help finding a surgeon let us know and we will be glad to assist you. You can reach us at [email protected]