Band over previous bypass.

Cicerogirl, The PhD

on 8/16/14 2:07 pm - OH

No, your insurance company is not going to pay for anesthesia, etc. costs for a procedure it does not cover.  Some will not even cover costs arising from complications from a non-covered procedure when there is a specific exclusion to the policy.

The costs for ANY procedure will vary widely from one surgeon to another and one hospital to another, and will vary by geographical location (what it costs in Kansas City is probably going to be significantly less than in the greater NYC area or anywhere on the west coast). I would just contact a couple of surgeons in your area and ask.  

If you believe that the weight gain is from hormones you are taking, rather than how much you are eating, though, how is getting a band going to help?  You can eat less NOW.  You just have to measure your portions.  Based on the ads I have seen for "virgin" lap bands, and the fact that your surgery would be a bit more complicated (and therefore more expensive and may not be available form "just any surgeon") because you already have the bypass, I would be surprised if you can have it done for under $10,000. Measuring portions, although annoying, is free.


14 years out; 190 pounds lost, 165 pound loss maintained

You don't drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.

on 8/16/14 3:44 pm - Henrico, VA

Thanks everyone I'll set a meeting with my surgeon to discuss.

After you have suffered for a little while, the God of all grace, who called you to His eternal glory in Christ, will Himself perfect, confirm, strengthen and establish you.
1 Peter 5:10

on 8/17/14 2:04 am

Toobcherished, I just had my lap band removed 5 weeks ago and altho I feel everyone has to make their own choice in WLS, I have to ask you, WHY would you choose the band?? Many surgeons now are not only refusing to do that type but they are explaining why they are no longer doing it.  For most (definitely not all), it is a failed procedure either because the patient doesn't follow the rules but more often than not, the band fails of it's own fault.

It was a money maker because of all the "adjustments" you have to do that cost anywhere from $100.-300. 00 PER adjustment!  It is a royal PIA because of all the vomiting that can damage your esophagus, stomach, etc..

I would ask you to reconsider. If all you need to lose is 20 pounds, that is not a good reason to get the band in my opinion. is your choice.

  All posts that I make on this site, any forum, are a result in my having experience and caring for anyone having to go through life as an obese person. If you have medical issues, please see your doctor for medical advice.



Stacy H.
on 8/19/14 3:12 am - Cumberland, IN

I myself had RNY but just to echo what PP said. My sister in law had the band done not last Christmas but the one prior. She was hospitalized I believe 3 times needing surgery two of those times (from what I understand the band was practically cutting her insides in half?) and eventually had to have the band removed. As you said it was band failure not anything she did/didn't do. She was in the hospital I think about two weeks on one of those stays and nearly died. Since she had the band removed she has started watching her diet closely and exercising a lot. She now teaches classes at her local YMCA and looks/feels amazing! She only had about 50-60lbs to lose I think and in my opinion (and I'm certain she would agree) it was not worth it having the surgery done.

Stacy :) RNY 9/7/2005

HW-270  LW-125  GW-150

