Some gems from the Live Updates from #OH2014 Conference

Cathy W.
on 8/15/14 9:16 am

I'm enjoying the live updates from the OH Conference.  There are many gems of motivational and helpful information. 

Below are three that I really liked and are very true:

If you put a food in front of grandma when she was a child & she would not recognize it – it's not good for you! @cccliveyourbest #OH2014

— Deb Jennings-Conner (@midnightblue) August 15, 2014

If you bring it home – you eat it. So think before you bring it home. Set your environment up for success. @cccliveyourbest #OH2014

Don't try to talk yourself into anything – a Baked Lay is still a Lay, a gluten free cookie is still a cookie! @cccliveyourbest #OH2014

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