Got my referral!

on 8/13/14 12:27 pm

Today was a good day! I got my referral for RNY submitted by my PCP today. Now I just have to wait 2 weeks to a month to hear back from the insurance company on whether or not they'll cover it. The doctor said my odds are pretty good and that I'm almost a perfect candidate. Is anyone in the Detroit area and have HAP insurance? If so how long did it take to hear back? I feel like a kid before Christmas all over again!

on 8/13/14 4:20 pm - Sacramento , CA
VSG on 02/18/15

Congrats! I just got my referral from my Pcp about two weeks ago so I'm waiting to hear something too same thing for me, they said two weeks to a month! Although I'm not in Detroit I live in California this Friday will make two weeks for me I wish I knew how long it takes but I'm just hoping things workout for me and you as well! Good luck and best wishes!!

HW: 465lbs SW: 387lbs CW:??? GW:175


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