Weight regain

on 8/13/14 12:46 am, edited 8/13/14 12:49 am - cedar key, FL

I haven't been on here in awhile but I'm back life just is so buisy!! I have regained 35 lbs & need some kicks in the butt to get back on track protein intake over the last couple yrs has been not enough & the carbs have been prob above 50 per day I am in a relationship with an overweight man that loves to eat & go out to eat a lot ... Not a good excuse I know but how do I begin again with this man in my life? Is it possible to date someone that has a major food addiction & still get back on track? By the way in November we would  be together for 4 yrs. any advise would be greatly appreciated. Working well over 40 hrs a week oh I had the duodenal switch surgery, & I'm 6 years out.

the only way up is to stop looking down!!

on 8/13/14 1:58 am - COLUMBIA CITY, IN

First of all - you have to CHOOSE to change your lifestyle.  Yes it is possible to eat with overweight people and stay on your bariatric plan.  Get your specific plan out and start logging the food you eat.  My plan (for RNY) at maintanence (18 months post op) is 1200-1400 calories, 130 grams carbs and 80 grams protein.

I find it easier to write "old style" with pen & paper in a notebook, but you can use computer plan.  You have to count every bite, stay within your plan, drink lots of water and exercise.  Pretty basic really.

For ME I choose no fast food, no soda, no bread or pasta and very limited junk food (high calorie/low nutrient) value.

Eat protein first (every meal and snack), then veggies and fruit. 

Best wishes, Penny

Highest Weight 255  * Wt loss includes 19 lb lost before surgery

Amy R.
on 8/13/14 6:23 am

I can't help you much, my eating plan would probably be different from yours because I had a different surgery.  What I can do is tell you that re-loss is completely possible.  I regained over 40 pounds and am back within 10 pounds of my lowest weight.  So don't think you can't do it - because you sure can!

You may want to post this on the Duodenal Switch Forum.  You'll likely get more replies specific to your surgery.  Here is the link: DS Forum

Good luck and don't ever, ever give up!

on 8/13/14 8:26 am

With a DS, you can eat all the fats you can hold---which makes it a lot easier for me to avoid carbs. Also, the more carbs I eat, the more carbs I WANT, so the key is to get them out of your body. Do the induction phase of the Atkins diet for five days, and you'll probably find carbs a lot less alluring. Every time you think about eating carbs, eat some bacon instead. (*grin*)

MyLady Heidi
on 8/13/14 5:00 pm

I don't see the relationship between your weight and your boyfriends.  I got MO when I was married to a man of average weight and lost all my weight and kept it off with a man who is above average weight.  It is all about choices and volume.

 My bf lost sixty pounds initially when I had wls but he's gone up and down ever since, he loses easily because he is a workout fiend but has some major issues with his knees from being a long distance runner, so when he gets in pain and stops working out he regains. I encourage him to et healthy but unless he works out he really can't maintain, it is hard on him, and at 34 is way oo young for knee replacement

on 8/13/14 5:44 pm

Just because he eats incorrectly doesn't mean you need to do so, too.  Eat what is right for you and don't worry about his plate.

on 8/15/14 4:23 am, edited 8/15/14 4:23 am

I agree it is hard when your husband likes to eat. Its happened to me too. I have gained 12 pds since I had my bypass in 2009.  I just said to myself, Im not going back to where I was, so I am getting back on track. Protein shakes here I come, no more carbs of soda. Hope you get back on track, you worked tooo hard. Goodluck to you.

on 8/15/14 12:58 pm - cedar key, FL

Thanx for all your input i will get this 30 lbs off  you guys are the best i hope you all keep up the good work

the only way up is to stop looking down!!
