on 8/8/14 1:05 am
RNY on 07/16/14

I'm a flight attendant, and I'm 3.5 weeks post op RNY. My doctor has allowed me to go back to work this weekend, AND he has allowed me to go to Disney World with the advice to 'take it easy'. Now, I'm assuming no stomach-dropping rides, but I'm not really sure. (Thankfully, I no longer get nauseated while going over train tracks!) But any other suggestions? Or should I stick to 'It's a Small World'? 

MyLady Heidi
on 8/8/14 3:53 am

I think the rides at Disney are fun and pretty easy on your body, I don't do heights or drops or anything scary, which is why I liked Disney World I could do the majority of rides and enjoy.  I wish I was going I miss Disney, we went every year until my son was 16 and he abruptly announced it was all Disneyed out.  lol



on 8/8/14 4:25 am - TX

Stay off of the ones that they won't let pregnant women on....basically the roller coasters and some of the ones that really shake you up (there's one that simulates a space trip and it very nearly made me puke).  I think you'll be ok on 90% of the attractions.  Be more concerned about pacing yourself, drinking, and taking some breaks. 

on 8/8/14 4:26 am - San Diego, CA
RNY on 12/27/12

I went to Disneyland 3 months post op.  I had zero problems keeping up with the younger and fitter family members.  No problems with the faster, stomach-dropping rides.  No problems finding something good (for me) to eat.

The one problem I had was standing in line.  I could walk miles and miles, as long as I was moving forward.  Standing still in line, I felt like I would faint.  Knowing this, I purchased a cane that turns into a seat, and carried that in the lines with me.  That way, when we had to wait, I just plopped down and sat.  The ONE line I didn't have it, I needed it, and ended up practically crawling on the ground because I just. couldn't. stand. anymore.

HW: 274 | SW: 232 | CW: 137 | Goal: 145 (ticker includes a 42 pound loss pre-op) | Height: 5'4"

M1: -24 (205) | M2: -14 (191) | M3: -11 (180) | M4: -7 (173) | M5: -7 (166) | M6: -8 (158) | M7: -11 (147) | M8: -2 (145) | M9: -3 (142) | M10: -2 (140) | M11: -4 (136) | M12: -2 (134) | M13: -0 (134) | M14: -3 (131) | M15: +4 (135) | M16: +2 (137)

on 8/8/14 5:35 am

I would worry less about the rides and keep in mind that Walt Disney World is a HUGE place.  


The average guest walks about 6 1/2 miles a day there.  So while being careful on the rides is important as you are still healing-remember that there's a LOT of walking while you're there. Remember to drink plenty of water, stick to your protein and whatever other post-op dietary requirements you have but please take it easy and rest and be honest with yourself on your limitations since you're still healing a bit.


Revision from Lap-Band to RNY May 2014.  

Revision Consultation: 326   Day of Surgery: 310   Current: 250   Goal: 150

on 8/8/14 6:37 am
VSG on 03/07/14

I'd only do pregnancy safe rides.  There's a pregnant at Disney guide online - just google it - and you should be fine following those rules.

     ticker5'-8",HW 347,SW329,M1-25 M2-17 M3-11 M4-13 M5-14 pregnant-->


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