I have to ask this question about sugar
I am pre-op now but going forward, I am not sure about my thoughts on this. Sugar is my drug of choice and it is a very bad choice. That said, I cannot tolerate many of the fakes out there, even Stevia (not a fake even)! I get very bad indigestion from it that even my antacids cannot handle. I LOVE yogurt and almost all of the SF kinds have aspartame, the worst for me!
Will it be possible to have sugar in my diet post-sleeve, as long as I restrict that to only the healthier (I know, sugar is not healthy) foods? this is not a silly question, I really would like to know what the vets think.
you can certainly have sugar and anything else you CHOOSE to have. The problem is,sugar might stop or. Slow your loss at some point,maybe evenfromthebeginning.
The body. Is lazy and will use that free flowing sugar that you are eating and that is available inyourblood stream for energy before it will burn your stored fat. Burning stored fat is how weight loss is accomplished.
As a fellow sugar addict, I'm going to rain on your parade and tell you that this surgery isn't going to change your desire to eat sugar. Sure, for the first few months you might not feel like eating anything because you're in the "zone" and things just don't sound good. But, beware! - that will all change the further out you get.
If you truly are a sugar addict, you need to treat it like the evil snake it is and just not pick it up. Because it will bite you. Every. Single. Time. I can vouch for this, unfortunately
And I agree with you Tracy! After my band was in, I had been off sugar for 6 weeks and stayed off for a few years. But I foolishly tried something that had sugar and that was the end for me. I am now trying to rid it from anything I eat but it is hard. As I said tho, yogurt is my fav and was the main reason for my post. I need to find an even ground with that.