Food Poisoning or Flu
Hello everyone, I had gastric bypass surgery in 2009. I have been doing great. I am below my original goal and have very few problems. I consider the decision to have weight loss surgery one of the best ones I ever made. On Monday, August 4 I had an episode of what I first thought was dumping, however, as time went on I believe I either have a stomach bug or food poisoning. This ha**** me harder than any flu I have ever had and since I am 63s year old, with the indigestion my first thought was heart attack. I tried to listen to my body as my symptoms seem to be "moving south" I haven't gone to my MD. This ha**** me harder than anything since my first week after surgery. I have had to go back to eating one or 2 teaspoons of soft food at a time. I was wondering if the flu or any stomach upset affects you harder when you have had gastric bypass. Anyone have any comments?
How's your vitamins? I ask because I've not gotten the flu in the nearly 9 years since I've had my DS. I take vitamins like a fiend and I swear my immunity has benefitted from it. Vitamin D is an immunity booster. Are you taking enough? It won't help you now, but may prevent any suffering down the road.
DS 2005
There is room on this earth for all of God's creatures..
next to the mashed potatoes
Are you able to keep what you are eating/drinking down? Or is everything you put in, coming back up? I ask this because I had a bout with what I thought was the flu a couple years ago. Just thought I picked up a bug since was teaching school and the students were passing around a stomach bug. ugh. Anyway, I could not keep anything down. Went to the ER and they did a scan. Turned out to be a bowel blockage. Not to scare you, but just making sure you are covering all your bases. Hope you feel better soon.

Thanks everyone for taking the time to answer my post and for your advice and concern. I went to my surgeon and he is treating me for ulcers, however, I have another apt in 2 weeks but instructed to call him if I get worse. My pain is better, now just occurring when I eat, thank goodness, not continuously. I am wondering if I have a stricture or bowel obstruction. Anyway, if I don't get a little better every day I am going to give him a call. I will keep you updated. My surgery was 5 years ago last month. Other than minor issues, a little dumping now and once and a while, a little blood sugar issue if I ate a sugary dessert, I have done well. I am 5'3" and went from 195 to 129. For the first time in my life, my weight does not overshadow everything. I hope this issue is quickly resolved and will keep you informed.