My surgeon told me that the stomach heals over the staples, which stay in. But they aren't the big horrible staples they use to close up a big wound after surgery, they are tiny little micro staples.
RNY Gastric Bypass done in Melbourne, Australia, August 22, 2014
Blog: A Variant of Normal,
Weight Lost since Pre-op Diet start, 1st Aug 2014

That sounds bad! So your stomach never grows back together... I cant imagine staples holding your stomach together for the rest of your life.... I know this woman who had the surgery 3/20 and at least twice a month she wakes up vomiting... She asks everyone on fb to please pray for her.... is the scar tissue making her that sick... could it be growing in her stomach?......
No no no---you're misunderstanding entirely. Try this---take a piece of paper, and fold it in half. Now, along the edges, raw some small marks that we'll pretend are staples, okay? Now, fold the edges over AGAIN, covering the staple marks. Now the staples are completely covered, right? and all the edges of the paper are sealed together, right? (This is your stomach immediately after surgery---water-tight!)
Now, take some glue and rub it over the edges. When it dries, it will be impossible to get back to the staples, you see. Think of the glue as being scar tissue---it just makes everything stronger.
Now, as for your vomiting friend: it *could* be scar tissue, but not the scar tissue that's holding her stomach together. She could have what's called a stricture, which is an overgrowth of scar tissue in the stoma, the opening from her pouch to her small intestine, but given how long ago she had her surgery, it's doubtful. More likely she's got some acid reflux going on. She needs to see her DOCTOR.
MS BATT -- In OUR many, many years, I don't believe I've heard the "staple story" described so well. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it !!! I think I will make a paper model and use it, at support group meetings-and give YOU full credit, of course !!!!
RNY 4-22-02...
LW: 6lb,10 oz SW:340lb GW:170lb CW:155
We Can Do Hard Things
I'm starting to think that you have no clue about weight-loss surgery. Are you just thinking she got her stomach stapled? You need to find out what procedure your friend had:
- RNY - gastric bypass
- VSG - gastric sleeve / vertical sleeve gastrectomy
- DS - Duodenal Switch
Each of these procedures are entirely different, and much more than just the stapling of one's stomach (that's an old outdated procedure-no longer done) these other posters are answering to the staples along the edges of these different procedures, which some docs do just staple, some still sew, and some (like mine) do staples, then sew the final part together in the fashion that Ms Batt describes. The waking up vomiting could be simply stomach acid, and she needs a PPI like Prilosec or Nexium. It could be something far worse. Instead of praying for her, why don't you convince her to see her surgeon.
DS 2005
There is room on this earth for all of God's creatures..
next to the mashed potatoes
Yes the staples stay in and as described above they are fine & your tummy heals around & over them. I had to have a complete hysterectomy almost 3 years ago & have 9 staples from that in me already and have thankfully had no problems with them. I didn't know there were that many staples inside me until I had a scan done before having a kidney stone removal surgery. Do more research and talk to your Doc about what procedure he thinks is best for you and he/she can better explain the healing process with you. Staples inside aren't a bad thing I was happy to not have my intestines re-routed but would've even done that if my Doc said that would've been the best way to go for me. No fears stay strong if you do choose to have surgery it's an amazing thing & great tool to get your life & health back if you follow a healthy eating and exercise plan. Good luck
With God ALL things are possible! VSG 3/13/14 Dr. John Mathews