Almost 9yrs post-op/weight gain/alcoholic

(deactivated member)
on 8/4/14 3:40 am

I had RNY 9/7/2005 and was 270lbs. I had good success and was down to 125lbs in less than two years. I got divorced in 9/2008 and began drinking. Long story short I became alcoholic and have struggled with that ever since I started drinking with periods of sobriety ranging from a few days to 14 months (I am currently sober almost 6 months). Anyway a couple of years into that my eating got a lot worse and my exercise became non existant. I had a baby in March 2012 and got close to 200lbs during pregnancy but was able to get back to my pre baby weight of around 175lb. When I got sober this time I gained a lot of weight which I attribute to going back to dealing with life through eating rather than alcohol. At any rate for the last month I've been watching my eating closely and exercising daily and I'm seeing practically no results. It is incredibly frustrating. I just wondered if anyone else has gone through anything similar or if anyone has tips/ideas that have worked for them in being able to lose weight regained after surgery. Thanks!!

on 8/4/14 4:16 am - Evans, GA

I too have the same problem. As RNYers we are more prone to alcoholism and the research supports that. I never thought I would be in this position. I spend a lot of time thinking of how I got here. I have also gained a lot of weight back and it's a struggle to now lose. There are many of us out there. I have been sober for almost 90 days but there has been many relapses. 

I am going back to the basics of what I did early after surgery. I have lotsa few pounds but it is very slow. 

(deactivated member)
on 8/4/14 5:17 am
On August 4, 2014 at 11:16 AM Pacific Time, Shelli61 wrote:

I too have the same problem. As RNYers we are more prone to alcoholism and the research supports that. I never thought I would be in this position. I spend a lot of time thinking of how I got here. I have also gained a lot of weight back and it's a struggle to now lose. There are many of us out there. I have been sober for almost 90 days but there has been many relapses. 

I am going back to the basics of what I did early after surgery. I have lotsa few pounds but it is very slow. 

Congrats on almost 90 days! I know how hard it is, I've had more relapses than I can count but I've got today and that's what matters right now. 

on 8/4/14 5:06 am

280 HW 6/1/2010; 260 SW 11/1/2010; 182 LW 10/1/2011; Plateau 2011-12

REGAINED 38 lb. 2012-14 Up to 220 6/25/2014

RESTARTED 6/26/14, joined OH and MFP, 5 Day Pouch Test 6/26-30, 2014 at 220; CW 209

I had RNY surgery Nov. 2010. My lowest post-surgery weight was 182 in September 2011. I still had more to lose, but I never got there. Stayed around 182 for a year. Then I got complacent, fell into bad habits, and ignored the signs I was regaining.

I gained back 38 lb. between Nov. 2012 and June 2014. During my period of regaining, I exercised less and ate more freely without attention to the protein-carb-fat proportions. I began to consume larger amounts of simple  carbs -- and like you, I  began to drink -- mostly white wine. In June 2014 I finally woke up and put myself on a serious RESTART plan. 5 days on the 5DPT, then back to basics, what I should have been doing all along: 45-75 minutes of walking every day; tracking food and exercise at My Fitness Pal; no wine or diet soda; high protein diet, reading the boards for inspiration and motivation. I've lost 11 pounds from June 26 to August 4, and I consider this just the beginning of my RESTART. 

I've discovered from reading these boards that what happened to me is not at all unusual. I should have known, but I didn't realize how many regain in years 2-3 because we don't keep up the good habits we all should have learned: protein first, no simple carbs, no alcoholic beverages, lots of water, exercise, keep track of food and exercise daily, weigh yourself daily or as often as you need to to keep on track. Sure, it's harder to lose now than it was in year one, but losing 1-2 pounds a week is possible! We just need to be committed, vigilant, and patient. We can do it! Good luck! 


(deactivated member)
on 8/4/14 5:12 am

I was on OH the first few years after I had my surgery but have been away for years. I felt the support and reading other's stories would help motivate me and give me ideas/encouragement as well. Can you tell me what 5DPT is? I've been eating 1300 cal/day and exercising 45min/day and just really discouraged with my lack of weight loss but I know I can do this! Thank you both for your replied. It helps just to know someone can relate.

on 8/4/14 5:25 am, edited 8/4/14 5:48 am

The website is at:

Many of the wise vets here reject it as a crash diet, but for those of us *****gained largely because of eating too many simple carbs or "slider foods," it can be an effective RESTART plan. Really helped me to kick the carb cravings and focus on a hi protein diet.

The basic plan is: 2 days liquid protein (shakes, sugar-free jello, soups); 1 day soft proteins (cottage cheese, eggs, tuna, etc.), 1 day firm proteins (hamburger, ground turkey, fish, etc.), 1 day solid proteins (steak, etc.). The website has lots of guidelines and good recipes, too.  


(deactivated member)
on 8/4/14 5:37 am

Thank you, I'll take a look!

on 8/4/14 12:19 pm - OH

So if you regained due to eating too many slider foods, you eat nothing but slider foods for three days and that somehow helps you?

View more of my photos at          Kelly

Please note: I AM NOT A DOCTOR.  If you want medical advice, talk to your doctor.  Whatever I post, there is probably some surgeon or other health care provider somewhere that disagrees with me.  If you want to know what your surgeon thinks, then ask him or her.    Check out my blog.


on 8/4/14 8:38 pm

First, the plan did help me to get restarted and back to basics, focusing on proteins first, exercise, water. Second, it really helped to overcome the craving for bad carbs-- the simple processed carbs that "slide" right through, especially when consumed with liquids. Third, "slider" or "slurry" foods, like crackers, provide little nutritional value, little or no protein, and they don't give you the feeling of fullness or satiety.  Fourth, the liquid and soft proteins of days 1-3 are not "slider" foods in the 5DPT vocabulary. Like all proteins, they give you good nutrition, they are digested  slowly, they give you the feeling of fullness or pouch tightness that RNY is supposed to give you (that "slider" foods don't). And most important, it works to get many of us who have regained to GET BACK ON TRACK - and that, IMHO, is what counts most and makes this a valuable and effective short-term tool. Yes, it's then up to us to get BACK TO BASICS on our own and then to STAY ON TRACK. The 5DPT can provide a valuable transition back to what we should have been doing all along. 😊


H.A.L.A B.
on 8/4/14 9:54 am

check also Back on Track Together group...

You can read what has been working for some people. Its i summer and not many people post..

I got extra 22 lbs.. already lost 15, a few more to go...At times is seems that the scale does not move.. but when I look at my weight 2 months ago - I was at 176+.. now 161.. just 2 months... it is not easy.. . and during weeks that my body doesn't lose- or even I gain - it is hard to have motivation...

Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG

"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"

"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."

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