Plastics....How old is too old??
I am 49 years old and 30-35 lbs. away from my goal weight. I have been dreaming about a tummy tuck and possibly a breast lift for years. But now that I can see the light at the end of the tunnel I am wondering if I am now too old to be seriously contemplating it. Has anyone had plastics done at my age or older and are you glad you had it done? I am pretty healthy. Thanks for any input!
I had arms lift,breast reduction and lift,lower body lift,thigh lift. Then two days later I had lower face lift and eye lid lift.
my insurance covered nothing so I went to MX and had an awesome experience.
it took me a good three months to get fully recovered but not working outside the home,I was able to be a slug as long as I felt like I needed to. I was very very careful about not overdoing too soon since I didn't want any complications.
Holly, you've had everything done I only wish I could do. I'm worried about getting the time off work and of course the cost (of not working AND the surgery). Would it be too much info if I asked you if you would message me your total cost? I so want to get everything done you had done. Also, did you know someone who went to MX for surgery and is that why you decided to have surgery there?
I used Dr. Sauceda in Monterrey. He has a huge following on this board,he has a group under the groups heading. I have been reading. That group since Wls nearly 5 years ago,knowing I would be needing/wanting plastics at some point.
While I didn't "know"any of the ppl who used him,personally,I knew them from his group. His is simply excellent and everything about my stay there was excellent. Look for a message.
Ha! I am 50 and just had an LBL, BL with implants, thigh lift, the whole 9 yards. And probably will get my eyelids done this fall. I am most definitely not too old for this and neither are you. GO for it!! You will feel super great about your 49 year old self and will look 30!