Regainers, Post op 5 years or more
I have never understood why people feel the need to attack other peoples questions !!!!! I thought we were here to support each other, this is a support group forum is it not or am I mistaken. I don't think the question was stupid, rude or insensitive in anyway. It was just a question. Do you look at a child who asks why the sky is blue and tell them it's a stupid question No !!! Because they are curious and don't know the answer. I apologize to Wendy if she feels like I was calling her a child as this was not my intent either. Wendy was asking because she was curious and didn't know the answer, what is wrong with that ??? She has been told she looked better obese, after struggling to lose the weight that probably jeopardized her life. Seriously it must be so hard to deal with comments like that. I'm sure despite her denial she has probably wondered if they are right and if she should gain a few pounds to look better. Instead of attacking her why not try to reassure her that we support her and that Yes she may have some loose skin that is not pretty but she is still beautiful loose skin and all because she chose a healthier life. Wendy I'm so sorry your family is saying things that damage your self esteem like that and I'm sorry that some members found your question offensive but ignore the negative and embrace the positive. You are a beautiful person and don't let other people make you doubt that :-) P.S. Those of you who are attacking people do you realize that you may be preventing people from posting questions for fear of being told they are rude, insensitive or stupid. Again I reiterate this is a support forum and people should not be afraid to ask questions, it's just wrong and makes me sad :-)

Referral May 14th/14, HRRH Orientation Aug/18th/14, Surgeon (Dr.Starr) Appt Nov/28th/14, Clinic Nurse,Social Worker, Dietitian Dec/15th/14, Dr.Glazer Feb/5th/15, OptiFast Feb/16th/15, PATTS Feb/17th/15, Surgery March 2nd/15 HW 230, SW 202, CW 130
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