Pregnant after RNY - Glucose test (to have or not to have?)
I had gastric bypass in 2010. I've lost 130 lbs and am 24 weeks pregnant. I spoke to my OB and he said I did not have to take the glucose test if I did not want to risk it due to RNY. What are you opinions on this? Have any of you drank the sugar drink after RNY? From everything I've read online you should not. Thanks for any info you may have.
I would not do the glucose tolerance test, no. You can simply test your blood sugar after eating instead. Talk to your OB about it.
Please note: I AM NOT A DOCTOR. If you want medical advice, talk to your doctor. Whatever I post, there is probably some surgeon or other health care provider somewhere that disagrees with me. If you want to know what your surgeon thinks, then ask him or her. Check out my blog.
I did mine with orange juice, per my OB, as it's a little easier on the post rny body. I have RH, and did fine with my first one, at about 1 year post-op. The second one, I was 70 fasting, and dropped to 60 after 1 hr. I was happy to shove that result in the face of the specialist who kept insisting that I was practically guaranteed to have GD, because of my weight. I was down well over 100 punds since my rny, had already had 1 successfule post-op pregnancy that was GD free, and had zero family history. She still kept insisting that I needed to be tested early, because I was so "high risk". My OB said she'd never seen a result as low as mine. In your face, lady! LOL