What was "THAT" moment when you realized you are in fact obese...

on 7/29/14 1:15 am - Corsicana, TX
RNY on 03/24/14

My "that" moment has been more like a slow tidal wave that finally overtook me.  I won't bore you with the details but in the last 8 years I have dealt with the rebellion and near loss of a precious daughter (she is doing awesome now though), driving four hours round trip to campus to finish up my accounting degree (while taking a minimum of 15 hours a semester), the death of my mom, one horrible job in a local accounting firm, one stress filled but rewarding job as an executive director for a small ministry who was in huge transition, taking care of my terminally ill step father, dealing with his estate and all the crazy family members involved, taking on parenting again for our eight year old grandson because his mom can't get on her feet and our son is a mess, dealing with said son who has no appreciation for the fact we are raising his son without any financial or emotional help from either of them, taking on a new job that has not lived up to the promises made in the interview but I am determined to stick with for now and to top it all off, I am trying to study and pass the CPA exam and I'm overwhelmed.

So I guess my "that" moment was maybe when I realized that all the stress of these last few years had just been stuffed down in my boots before I pulled them back up so I could keep on going.  I just got to the point that couldn't get off the couch and anti-depressants weren't helping.  I had quickly put on 60 pounds since my band removal and I knew I was in a log jam and had to do something drastic. 

I had always said I would never have RNY but when you are desperate enough and you know that you are not going to be able to do it on your own, you begin to rethink your nevers. 

I have not regretted it for one moment and would do it again.  I feel awesome and I feel like I can finally manage my life again.   The stress hasn't really subsided completely but I feel like I can at least deal with it now in healthier ways instead of food.  Although I still can't wrap my head around the fact I am wearing sizes I haven't seen in 20 years, I am loving my new life!


                   HW:303   SW:297


on 7/29/14 1:32 am

Wow, you have really had a lot of challenges lately. I hope that everything rights itself soon and that you get some real pleasure out of your "new" life. Here's to the future!


on 7/29/14 2:09 am - Corsicana, TX
RNY on 03/24/14

Lol.  Yes. So true but as the blogger on 300 Pounds Down put it about Texans, "They just put it in 4 wheel drive and barrel through!"  I'm barreling through and will survive.  I just need to get this exam passed. 


                   HW:303   SW:297


on 7/29/14 2:41 am

Unbelievable of the amount of set backs you've had. However, one thing certain...you have the willpower of a giant. 

I certainly your success and your sense of direction of regaining your life back.

Your post made me .. Thank you
