What was "THAT" moment when you realized you are in fact obese...
When my mother-in-law suggested we take a family trip to Disney World. I wasn't excited for my then 4 year old to meet Mickey or ride park rides. The first feeling was terror. I was afraid to walk that long in a park with a rambunctious 4 year old boy. My feet and knees hurt just standing sometimes. Now my surgery is scheduled for Aug 4. Next summer my son won't be able to keep up with me!
I have a couple of moments. First one, when I saw a picture of me at my brother's wedding. That was at my highest but I didn't have insurance so I didn't seek out surgery back then. But in May I just got tired of being fat and walking with a cane for the past year. I decided it was time for surgery. I have my surgery on August 11. I'm so excited that I can't wait to be on the loser's bench.
I feel so moved to comment on your post. First, I'd like to say, that I find it very sad that your Mother called you out like that in front of people. Its bad enough that she shames you when its just the 2 of you. I am a person who has also struggled with my weight, my entire adult life. I had done Weigh****chers, Jenny Craig,Nutrisystem,Metabolic,Prescription diet pills, and most of these multiple times, only to gain the weight back, and feel ashamed with people seeing my fat again, a few years later, after "just" seeming to have my weight under control....People that SHAME others about their weight may not realize it oftens CAUSES us to do the opposite and PUT ON WEIGHT...It becomes about CONTROL. I have a stepmother that has rode me,talked about my weight for my entire life. (by the way,she is an alcoholic) So how well i know of the pain,embarassment, and emotional turmoil. But even though your EX didnt accept you, it SURE sounds like your hubby NOW has GOT YOUR BACK! I am glad he wanted to protect you, stand up for you,etc.! WOW thats awesome!!! Now to address that "AHA, IM FAT" moment. well...i think anybody on this forum had had that, walking past a mirror, catching a glimpse of the big fat person, wondering...Dang, am i really that big?" How about those unflattering pictures? i recently went on a family/friends weekend camping trip, and pictures were being snapped, i was so depressed seeing my "GIRTH" in those pictures....I looked like a heffer, I tell you! MOOO!!! lol....So I am getting ready in August to have RNY(gastric bypass) I have finished my classes, met with my surgeon today for pre op appt, and YES i am on my way soon to the OR to have a procedure thats going to change my life forever!!! So I am excited about my future! I hope to hear from you again and I wish you ALL the SUCCESS and happiness that you deserve!!! God Bless!!....Bonnie
I have known about my obesity for a long time but the reality of how bad it was reared its ugly head about 1 1/2 years ago. I was doing my internship at a community mental health facility and a picture was taken at a training. I had become friends with another intern who struggles with anorexia. Of course is was just her and I in the picture. At one point I must have signed a release for pictures taken and lo and behold it became the main picture on the organizations website. Holy cow bells! It is still up and I occasionally take a look as a reminder. I will try to figure out how to post it on OH.
It still took me 6 months to get up the nerve to bring up the subject with my PCP. She was awesome about it as she has been through many ups and downs on the scale with me. When I did ask about getting WLS the look on her face was priceless. It was a though she was just waiting for me to ask. As I was sitting in the office she put the request in the computer as we were discussing the process.
I have avoided getting my picture taken most of my life up until a mini trip I had for the past three days. I was with some friends including the one who struggles with anorexia. I was in many pictures with all of them and actually smiling and most of all not embarrassed to have them posted on facebook.
I was too fat for the largest size at Lane Bryant.
I had to order my own airplane seat belt extender b/c I was tired of being embarrassed to ask for one.
I realized there would be about two pictures of me with my daughter and she's have nothing to remember me by when I'm gone.
Watching my mother in law sit in her recliner all day except to get up to go to the bathroom and realizing that would be me in 10 years.
Wearing an outfit I thought I looked good in (and did in my home mirror that only shows my head and shoulders) and then catching a glimpse of my multiple rolls of back fat in a hotel room mirror.
I could go on. You are not alone in this. And your mother is a horrible person. I hope you called her out on it.