What was "THAT" moment when you realized you are in fact obese...

(deactivated member)
on 7/24/14 1:12 pm

I have about fifty more pounds to lose.But I feel so much better.I can walk all over without feeling out of breath.My Bassets are great.All three of them are big babies.

on 7/25/14 1:44 am

Wow...you look amazing! 

Thank you so much for sharing

on 7/25/14 4:57 am
RNY on 08/25/14

you look absolutely great!



Tracy D.
on 7/24/14 1:51 am - Papillion, NE
VSG on 05/24/13

I've had so many of those moments that I've lost track.  But there was the defining moment that made me decide "sign me up for surgery", which I had been adamantly opposed to until then.  

I'd been taking medication for Type II diabetes for years and about 5 years ago my doctor started me on an additional medication, an injectible (not insulin).  At one of my visits in 2012 she sheepishly admitted that they were supposed to do blood work to check my liver enzymes a couple times a year because of this new med but had failed to do so - ever.  Fast forward to the results:  super-high liver enzymes, ultrasound ordered, diagnosis of fatty liver disease with early signs of scarring.  

You know what?  Doctors never sit fat people down and say, "You are destroying your liver by being fat.  You can die from cirrhosis from being fat".  Everyone associates liver disease with alcoholism.  So the doctors preach to us fat people about heart disease, stroke and cancer.  All those things that I have in my family history, but none were "scary" enough to get me change my behavior.  

I don't want to die at all but there aren't many deaths worse than the slow, god-awful process of liver failure/cirrhosis.   If you've seen it in someone you will never forget it.  Getting that diagnosis, fully understanding for the first time the damage I was doing, shocked the **** out of me and was the driving force to me getting the surgery.  

Best of luck to you on this journey - it's quite a ride! 

 Tracy  5'3"     HW: 235  SW: 218  CW: 132    M1: -22  M2: -13  M3: -12  M4: -9  M5: -8   M6: -10   M7: -4

 Goal reached in 7 months and 1 week

 Lower Body Lift w/Dr. Barnthouse 7-8-15



















































on 7/24/14 9:02 am


This really resonates with me.

When I moved to Tucson, I got a new PCP and in the course of 10 years, this doctor watched me gain 90 pounds .... Seeing me at least once annually, and ever once mentioned my weight.

I don't know if it was because he was obese himself or not, but since my WLS I have changed pcps and I mention my weight loss or gain or maintenance at every appointment.



on 7/25/14 2:42 am

I had HBP for like 10 years now. Not one time did my doctors ever say to me that I need to go on a special diet or some kind of salt restriction diet. I realize that for a lot of  them, its not about preventive measures but money.




HW: 333  CW:286  GW:175





on 7/24/14 2:16 am


Thanks for the post. It brought me to tears. I'm sorry your mother was so heartless to you. I'm glad that you now have a man who loves and supports you. I'm having surgery in oct. if insurance approves. Have a great week and keep us posted on your progress.


on 7/24/14 2:38 am

Robin, Thank you for your comment. I will have to say my husband has been a GOD sent. He and I have talked about my weight issue and he said that he loves me no matter what!. I couldn't be more proud of the man that I call "My Love".

I also sent you a friend request so that we can somehow stay connected with our progress and support one another.


on 7/29/14 12:37 am - Corsicana, TX
RNY on 03/24/14

I am married to a retired Navy Chief and he says the same thing.  Through all the diets and weight gain he always told me that he married me because of who I am inside not how I look on the outside and that men who focus on that are immature little boys. 

He is happy with my weight loss and glad that I am healthier but he has loved me regardless of how big or small I was and even at my highest of 303 lbs. he never made me feel unattractive.  I don't know if our guys were just raised right or if all that time on board ship just made them exceptional men but I'll take it!


                   HW:303   SW:297


Amy K.
on 7/24/14 2:32 am - Tucson, AZ

It was a couple moments for me, but it started last summer I was so uncomfortable, unable to enjoy our camping trip then I saw myself in the pictures.  It was then that I knew that I had to do something.  I knew I could easily lose 20 lbs, but knowing I need to lose over 100 freaked me out.  I couldn't see 20 as progress - it was just a drop in the bucket and no light at the end of the tunnel.  Next, after spending days putting my new classroom together and sweating profusely in a room cooled to 74* I made an appt to see my PCM.  The appt didn't happen until September, and then the referral came through and I saw the surgeon in November.  After seeing the surgeon, going to the info seminar, seeing the nutritionist I knew that this was going to help me get my life back to doing the things I love with my family - hiking, camping, biking, etc!  My daughter is now 5 and we walk 1-1.5 miles each night after homework and dinner.   My marriage is stronger because I'm happier and not living in pain, nor am I biting my husbands head off. 

High Weight: 264, BMI 46.8, Surgery Date: July 1, 2014, weight 227, BMI 40.2

