How is life after WLS??

on 7/23/14 12:52 pm

So i've decided to have weight loss surgery because i can't seem to do it alone. Im 23 and have been overweight my whole life, and every year since probably i was 16 I've been saying "okay I'm going to lose weight this year".. and it never happened. I don't know if I'm doing the right thing, probably because I'm scared about how life is going to be after i permanently alter my anatomy.

Food is a huge part of my life, i feel like whenever I'm with friends or people, we bond over food and drinks. Its like a staple for socializing. Taking that away, i don't know what i could bond with. will i be the odd one out all my life while my friends are chatting over Starbucks and i just sip on some water or be that one family member that refuses to eat? I can't tell anyone, the only people that will know i had survey are my family and my 2 closest friends. It's not they won't support me or will judge me, it's just i don't think it's their business about what i do with my body. I have many years ahead of me and i'm just scared that I'm altering my future, in a good or bad way i don't know. 

I would love to hear anyones stories and how life is after WLS and it corresponding with the relationships and the people around you. :)

on 7/24/14 5:03 am - CA
RNY on 10/07/13

Well, one thing to keep in mind is that having some sort of WLS doesn't mean you won't ever eat again.  :D  Food is a huge part of life and socializing and you will have to make some adjustments.  I still have the occasional Starbucks and I still go out to eat with friends.  Post-surgery you won't eat as much, but you will have to eat slower, so you can stretch out your meal to last as long as everyone else's and not feel awkward not eating while everyone else does.  

I didn't find the post-surgery eating/socializing thing too terrible because I'd done a restrictive "their food only" program previously.  I used to go out to a restaurant, ask for a glass of water and an empty glass and whiz up my own meal replacement shake there at the table or pull out my own entree and eat it right there.  One thing with that though was I didn't see my "eating buddies" nearly as much.  Keep this in mind and don't be surprised if it happens to you as well.  Coming from that perspective, I actually find it easier to go out with friends post-surgery because I can go to a regular restaurant and order regular food.  I never fini**** but why should the people I'm with care?  I've learned that food is not the end-all be-all. :D

I've told all of my friends and family that I've had RNY surgery and I'll tell anyone that asks.  How you choose to share your information is up to you.  :D  I'm actually a little jealous that you are considering surgery now.  I didn't have it until I was 40 and I'm totally loving life right now, but I can't get back those 20 years.

Good luck to you in your journey!


on 7/28/14 5:04 am, edited 7/28/14 5:05 am - Key Largo, FL

Well, you asked and I will tell you, IT IS GREAT!!!!!!!!!! You are thinking why do you say that there is nothing out there that can cause people to feel great and fell great about themselves. Well you would be wrong!!!


I was 426 lbs in December before my RNY. Since then I have dropped over 120 lbs. I have lost all of the secondary issues that come with being overweight. I no longer have diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and sleep apena. I no longer have the feeling or need to take a nap a few times a day. I no longer have the tiredness of being overweight.  I consume about 800 to 1200 calories a day. I no longer feel hungry all the time(To be honest I have to remember to eat). I can play with my son without getting tired so fast. There are many reason life after WLS has improved vastly to what it was like before.

I have been overweight all my life. At 26 I was diagnosed as a type 2 diabetic. I have had high blood pressure, cholesterol, and other weight related issues. This life changing event WLS changed my life for the better. As a diabetic I was taking about 400 units of N insulin and 200 units of R insulin a day, I no longer take any BGL controlling medications anymore.

As to what others think of you, I wish I could get people to understand that the only person that matters is you. Forget what others say about you. You must be the one that makes the choice. No one else can do it for you. Stop worrying about what Hollywood, Magazines and people that just do not get it say. Go with what you feel and know is right.

As for any surgery there will be ups and downs. This surgery is not a fix all miracle it takes work along with it. Use this surgery as a tool and follow the plan that your doctor gives you and before you know it you will be right where you want to be. Never forget it is you that controls you. From your mind to your body.

The relationship around you will not change much. There will be those that will be downers and try their best to get you down there with them. Those are the people you should drop from your life or let them know your not taking anymore of their pity parties. There will be those that will be jealous of your accomplishment just ignore those people. In most tho you will find them supportive and happy for you. Those are the people you need around you.

Do your research? Find a good support group in person or online. Find a good doctor. Stay way from the sour pusses. Train yourself to not let food control you and you control the food. Last but not least get in the habit now of drinking lots of water everyday try to intake 64 to 128 oz a day. It will help you on you WLS journey. 
