After surgery: Difficult to eat foods??

on 7/23/14 3:36 am

So before I decided on the sleeve I went to a seminar type thing about the different weightloss surgeries. 

When it came to the gastric bypass it said that people have a hard time with bread and pasta after surgery. 

Does this happen with the sleeve also? 

Is there other foods that are difficult to eat afterwards? 

on 7/23/14 4:18 am - OH

I think it really varies from person to person.  I had gastric bypass and I have no trouble at all with bread.

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Please note: I AM NOT A DOCTOR.  If you want medical advice, talk to your doctor.  Whatever I post, there is probably some surgeon or other health care provider somewhere that disagrees with me.  If you want to know what your surgeon thinks, then ask him or her.    Check out my blog.


Tracy D.
on 7/23/14 4:24 am, edited 7/23/14 4:24 am - Papillion, NE
VSG on 05/24/13

In my experience as a sleever - oh yeah!  I won't even try pasta because my experience with bread, especially early out, was negative.  My one and only vomiting experience was because of a couple bites of toast :-( 

Even at over a year out, if I indulge in bread it causes horrible noises in my stomach and takes up a lot of room that should really be saved for protein or veggies.  Do I eat it?  Occasionally, but I almost always regret it.  I don't consider any pasta to be worth the carbs it contains.  And as a Type 2 diabetic controlling my glucose with diet and exercise, I don't want or need the crazy-high sugar spike that ALWAYS comes with bread, rice and pasta.  

Edited:  ...and hard-boiled eggs were another thing I couldn't handle right away.  Those and anything super greasy like brats or sausage.  I can do all of that now.  But in the early days hard-boiled eggs got "stuck" and greasy stuff made me nauseous. 

 Tracy  5'3"     HW: 235  SW: 218  CW: 132    M1: -22  M2: -13  M3: -12  M4: -9  M5: -8   M6: -10   M7: -4

 Goal reached in 7 months and 1 week

 Lower Body Lift w/Dr. Barnthouse 7-8-15



















































on 7/23/14 4:34 am - CA
RNY on 10/07/13

I stay away from bread and pasta as another poster said because it takes up space for needed protein.  Also, sometimes I don't feel so great after eating bread.  I've found that I can't tolerate super-greasy or really rich things as well and sometimes eggs can give me troubles, but I think that might be because I tend to eat them too fast.  I do a lot of cheese and meat--beef and chicken mainly--and I do fine with those.  I stay away from fried things because again, they tend to be greasy and I don't need all of the breading.  

I think with either surgery some foods will remain friends and others will become enemies.  You'll need to figure out which are which for you.  :D


on 7/23/14 8:59 am

I had gastric bypass. I have difficulty with pork, and sometimes chicken. 

on 7/23/14 1:39 pm
VSG on 05/12/14

I had sleeve surgery May 12, 2014 and I can eat bread and pasta.  Pasta is the only thing I've thrown up though.  Both bread and pasta expand in your stomach so if you do eat them you have to take your time and eat them slowly.  Of course they're carbs and are denser in calories so I try and limit my intake.  The bread that I do eat is usually high fiber, dense, multigrain bread and I only have it in very small amounts and only occasionally.  Pasta is really easy to eat too much, too fast.  

My doctor says no beef for 4 months and raw veggies are rough to digest for the first several months after surgery as well.  I have found that I don't like some of the foods I used to like anymore.  I don't like mayo, fried food, tuna or black coffee.  I like ketchup and BBQ sauce flavors better than I used to.  I was a vegetarian prior to surgery and I absolutely hate all the protein we're supposed to eat everyday.  I substitute a lot with beans, legumes and eggs.  Skin on grapes made me feel yucky and I think too much raw lettuce in a salad one day made me wish I'd eaten less.  Other than that, I've had success eating pretty much everything I've tried so far.  My doctor says everyone is different though.
