WLS prior to menopause
Hi All,
I don't know what is going on lately. I had an LAVH hysterectomy in 2009. I still have my ovaries. In the last week or 2 I've noticed my hair falling out at an increased amount.
It could be stress of this life-altering surgery potentially in my future (pending insurance approval).
Is it menopause? I'm 36. I'm always hot, so if I had hotflashes I'm not sure I'd even know.
I have many other symptoms too.
Am i going to gain weight after WLS just because I will experience menopause (even if I'm not experiencing it currently)?
Any insight is greatly appreciated.
A slightly less hair-headed,
37 year old, Mom of 2 Live in rural North Carolina. Our local gym is a joke.
Highest Weight: 280 lbs.
Pre-surgery weight 274
Current weight 246.5
Roux En Y Gastric Bypass on 11/25/2014 with Dr. Alfonso Torquati
Menopause is probably about twenty years in your future. It will not cause weight gain unless you start eating more calories than you burn. Menopause itself normally does not cause hair loss. But stress and hormone changes can contribute to hair loss. Thyroid dysfunction is a common cause of hair loss in women your age. Have your doctor check your thyroid.
The doctor can also check to see if your ovaries are producing enough estrogen. The constantly being hot can be from an estrogen in-balance. Over the counter progesterone creams will often resolve that. Over the counter progesterone helps with water retention and improves mood.
Stress can cause hair loss. Examine a hair that falls out and see if there is a large club shaped bulb at the end of it. That can signify hair that has speed up its shedding schedule due to stress. That type of hair loss resolves itself in three to six months. It is common after surgery, pregnancy and high stress periods.

Real life begins where your comfort zone ends
I also starting losing hair before surgery, I attributed it to the change in diet and subsequent weight loss that I had before hand. Hormones and stress could also have played a roll for me. I seem to have leveled off for now but am only a little over a week post op so I am sure I have more hair loss in my future. It would be uncommon to be going thru menopause at your age, I've got a few years on you and have that to look forward to still.
Thank you for your reply. I automatically assume "the worst" in most situations. Good luck in your journey! Keep us posted!
37 year old, Mom of 2 Live in rural North Carolina. Our local gym is a joke.
Highest Weight: 280 lbs.
Pre-surgery weight 274
Current weight 246.5
Roux En Y Gastric Bypass on 11/25/2014 with Dr. Alfonso Torquati
Malarkey.......it is not uncommon to go thru menopause at your age! I started going through menopause at age 35 and was through by age 47. So each person is different and Drs always want to say it happens in the 50's.........not true!!! Women start going through peri menopause in their 30's and 40's but attribute the symptoms to other illnesses. It's always good to do your own research and reading because only you know your body. I was very well informed and aware of this time. A good book to read is "what your Doctor doe not tell you"......excellent of many!!