B*tchFest . . .Whine & MoanFest

on 7/16/14 5:45 am - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12

My first diet was an egg and grapefruit diet when I was about nine. At other times I had to sit and finish my dinner whether I was hungry or not. I can remember falling asleep at the table.

For one of her birthdays I made an elaborate cake. She did nothing but complain it was too fattening.

I refuse to discuss food with my kids. They are perfect.





on 7/16/14 5:33 am

Hi Bette, I have missed your *****fest. I agree with yours totally. I also want to add to it. Having Parkinsons is a royal pain. It is not so much the physical changes that are going on. It is the emotional ones. Sometimes I just want to pull my hair out. Between the side effects of the drugs and life in general, I sometimes don't know what to do next.

My grandson is graduating college and I could't attend his ceremony because his mother is angry about her father and I getting divorced. I realize it is a hurtful situation but it is almost 2 years. Well enough griping for me.  Mona

Veteran Bandster 2002

Nothing tastes as good as thin feels!

Oxford Comma Hag
on 7/16/14 10:04 am

Ah, I have missed these. Here's mine:

Dear sanctimonious brother and sister in law,

I think you suck. You have never acknowledged the gifts we sent our nephew--yet you acknowledge everyone else's all over Facebook--and when we saw him at a family function, I wasn't even able to hold him. As soon as your mother came over to show him to me, he made a little fuss, you swooped over, stated, "He's overstimulated," and rushed him away. So *^&(&^ you, buddy. You only call when you want your brother to come out and fix something at your house, so why am I surprised?

Dear ignorant, crass coworker,

Yes, you numbskull, there is indeed a 'U' in the Australian alphabet. You know why? Because Australia is a predominantly English-speaking country, that's why! Also consider the name Australia is spelled with a 'U'.

Now let's talk about your gas issues. You think burping loudly and farting are somehow humorous and even tried to joke that you were helping us extend our lifespans by smelling your odors ill-mannered pig. Are you 12 years old? Everyone burps and farts, but in a small office you a) should at least try to have a little couth and b) should have some consideration and not tank up on food that is going to cause you to be a gas factory.

Also, the next time I am on the phone and you get ridiculously loud, how about I just turn around and squirt you with a water bottle as I would do with one of my pets who is behaving badly?

End rant #first world problems

I fight badgers with spoons.

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 800-273-8255


GeekMonster, Insolent Hag
on 7/16/14 10:55 am - CA
VSG on 12/19/13

ILU RosyKate     You keel me.

"Oderint Dum Metuant"    Discover the joys of the Five Day Meat Test!

Height:  5'-7"  HW: 449  SW: 392  GW: 179  CW: 220

Oxford Comma Hag
on 7/16/14 12:50 pm

 ILU back, my dear.

I fight badgers with spoons.

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 800-273-8255


on 7/17/14 12:49 am

Kudos for using the word couth!

on 7/16/14 10:32 am - IL

OOOOHHHH Yeah Baby! Thank you Bette for this Biyatch fest, and yes I'm also with you on all your gripes. Now here's mine:

-I'm waiting in a long grocery line and have been standing there for quite a while. A new lane opens up and people who are just approaching the checkout makes a mad dash for the newly opened lane as if those of us who have been there longer shouldn't be served first. 

-Another thing that grinds my gears is after you lose a lot of weight people think it's cool to talk about the "fat" you like you were another person saying crap like, "yeah you were huge, you look soooo much better" I'm like, Hello? that's still ME you're talking about.


Bette B.
on 7/16/14 10:46 am

-I'm waiting in a long grocery line and have been standing there for quite a while. A new lane opens up and people who are just approaching the checkout makes a mad dash for the newly opened lane as if those of us who have been there longer shouldn't be served first. 

I'm with you on that! GOOD stores is ask for the "NEXT person in line" and make the runners **** off.


Banded 10 years & maintaining my weight loss!! Any questions, message me.

on 7/16/14 10:58 am
VSG on 07/10/14 with

My sister didn't call me for my surgery. All I got were a few very short Facebook messages. She has never been 100% on board with my surgery but I thought she'd at least check on me. We usually have a pretty good relationship. She just doesn't get it. She's a ******g marathon runner! She was the world's skinniest kid and pickiest eater while I was the one snorting around the buffet. She gained a bit of weight then lost it and thinks that a bit more willpower is all it takes. 


"Free your ass, and your mind will follow."  HW - 287, Start W - 273, Surgery W - 257, Onederland - 4 months 1 week post op,  100 lbs lost - 8 months 1 week, CW - 162

on 7/16/14 11:25 am

My normally supportive coworkers-- we all fell apart today with stress & tried to moan that each one of us was more stressed out than the other!  It was vicious competition with no winners, only headaches.  Rule 1). Only 1 person allowed to have breakdown at a time! Hoping tomorrow a more and day!

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