What do you Think When a family member sez to you , You looked better when you were fatter?

on 7/12/14 12:28 am

I can be proud of my weight loss and my maintaining it,and have thoughts of regret at the same time. Whats done is done and I am still proud of maintaining my weight loss. I always wish I would could have lost the weight without surgery just as most of us think.

7stents (2003)...Heart Attack(2004)...Open Heart (2004)....Wls (2007)...Heart attack 2012...1 stent (2012)...Heart Attack (2013)...Heart Attack (2013)...1 stent(2013)
~~~Best Vitamin For Making Friends  B1~~~

Denise R.
on 7/12/14 12:53 am

Jealously is a strange thing sometimes~

Denise <3

on 7/12/14 1:22 am

You know, that picture of you on your horse and someone else sitting in the meadow is an absolutely beautiful pic of you!!  it really belongs in a nice frame.

That said, you may or may not have looked better heavier but by looking at your eyes in the older pics, you were not happy!  None of us are "happy" being obese, it's a false stereotype.  You look fine but trying to get some people to accept the change is like pulling teeth that aren't there.  I have realized that after the age of 45, many of us seem to lose our "filter" on our mouths.  I can only hope that when I get to that age in 20-30 years, I will have more sense than to let lose like that.    Your mother in law looks fit because she inherited that petite build to begin with so had an easier time keeping it. 

You look great at whatever weight you want to be at.  If you are not happy now, see if you can put on 5-10 pounds and no more and see if that puts you in a better place for YOU?  I am 58, both knees have been replaced but my spine and neck have put me on disability.  Not because of my weight but certainly exacerbated by it.  I was also looking at being in an over sized wheelchair the rest of my life.  And I am so sorry you have no support system there, shame on them!

Do what makes YOU feel happy and healthy and let them spin in their own world.  And PLEASE, frame that picture and hang it where EVERYONE will see it.  It's beautiful!  You are beautiful!

  All posts that I make on this site, any forum, are a result in my having experience and caring for anyone having to go through life as an obese person. If you have medical issues, please see your doctor for medical advice.



on 7/12/14 10:05 am

With your health problems (heart) if you were still MO, you'd be dead.  Don't listen to the unfiltered mutterings of the senile.

Valerie G.
on 7/13/14 1:50 am - Northwest Mountains, GA

With all that you've been through, Wendy, Im guessing your sunken face and appearance has more to do with the horrible medical issues you've had than your weight.  Keep striving to keep healthy, and I'll bet you'll see changes in the near future.  

When I was at my smallest, my mother (and others)  told me I looked like a scarecrow and unhealthy.  I gained 20 lbs and am now told I look healthy and vibrant.  I have my own mental issues not having my size be a single-digit anymore, but I don't think I'm suited for hat long-term afterall, yanno?

DS 2005

There is room on this earth for all of God's creatures..
next to the mashed potatoes

White Dove
on 7/13/14 2:00 am - Warren, OH

People will look at a woman and say that she has such a pretty face and it is too bad she is so fat. The fat gives a soft appearance and makes a woman look prettier.  I was prettier when I was fatter, but I am healthier now.

Real life begins where your comfort zone ends
