rny scheduled!!

on 7/13/14 7:35 am
RNY on 07/24/14

I am having rny...my mind was 100% set on this! Now i am second guessing myself...should i get the sleeve? Its it too late to be changing my mind? Am i just second guessing myself for no reason? Has anybody else changed at the last minute...surgery is the 24th! I am diabetic, rny was the way to go....i am stressing!!

Karen M.
on 7/13/14 8:28 am - Mississauga, Canada

I guess you need to ask yourself why you're second-guessing your decision. It's a huge, life-changing thing you're about to do - doubts are normal.



Ontario Recipes Forum - http://www.obesityhelp.com/group/ontario_recipes/

on 7/13/14 12:24 pm

Congrats! I'm in the same state as you, however, I think if we weren't stressed we'd be crazy! RNY is the best choice for diabetics (I'm one as well) and you won't have to worry about heartburn or acid reflux which can be an issue with the VSG. Everyone is different but you had your mind set for a reason. Best of luck on your journey!

on 7/13/14 12:27 pm
RNY on 07/24/14

I agree, I think it is just getting so real at this point that I am freaking myself out! When is your surgery?


on 7/13/14 1:28 pm

Mine is August 18th. I look forward to following your progress, I'm excited for ya!

on 7/14/14 3:21 am
RNY on 07/24/14

We will have to keep tabs on each other!! Thanks for your input!

on 7/14/14 4:18 am

Actually, the Duodenal Switch is the best choice for diabetics. About 84% of diabetics achieve total remission after the RNY, but a significant number of patients see their diabetes returning about fie years later. On the other hand, better than 98% of diabetics who go with the DS achieve total remission, and with the DS it seems to permanent. The Switch is so very effective in treating diabetes that surgeons in Spain have been doing it on non-obese patients.

Just something to think about.

andy M.
on 7/13/14 2:23 pm - fairfax, VA

hello Jill and congrats on having your surgery date set!!! First of all it is TOTALLY normal to be second guessing yourself. I was/am 100% in the same shoes you are in!! I am diabetic and I kept going back and forth on either sleeve or RNY. After talking to the doctor and doing research i found for diabetic patients RNY seems to be the better route to go. But that's completely your choice. So i chose RNY but in my head the whole way up until they knocked me out for surgery I kept thinking maybe i should do the sleeve. But in my opion i'm glad i chose RNY. I had my surgery on May 20, 2014 (less than 2 months) and already i have lost 84lbs. I no longer take blood pressure medicine or my diabetic medicine! Now my doctor said most people don't lose that much weight that quickly, but he said he was not at all surprised i was off my blood pressure and diabetes medicine. I will tell you this, you CAN'T go into this thinking that the surgery is gonna fix you! It's only a TOOl to help fix your problems, you got to be willing to do your part, and if your willing to do it, then you will be so pleased with the results! After surgery EVERYONE has some regrets for doing the surgery, because they are in some pain, or they can't eat certain things anymore, but the feeling goes away after a little bit once you get adjusted to your new life, and it really helps when you notice the scales going down, or your clothes getting big, and especially when people ask you if you lost weight and that you look good. It makes the journey worth it! So keep your head in there, do some more research and TALK TO YOUR SURGEON/DOCTOR! They know what they are doing, and if you sit down with them and discuss your concerns and which has better advantages for YOU. You will know what you want! We are all behind you!


on 7/14/14 3:22 am
RNY on 07/24/14

Oh Andy... I couldn't be happier for you! I pray I have the success you have had. I can hardly wait until my day comes! I am very thankful for you input!

on 7/14/14 4:31 am

No, it's not too late to change your mind. Choosing the best procedure FOR YOU is possibly the most important part of the whole procedure.

You need to look at the whole picture. Be very honest with yourself---why are you MO? What can/will you change forever after WLS that you haven't changed in an effort to do it the "old fashioned way?"

Other than diabetes, do you have other health problems? GERD, asthma, sleep apnea, high cholesterol, arthritis? Any reason you need to take NSAIDs? How high is your BMI? In the past, have you lost weigh easily, as long as you could stick to portion control, or did you struggle for every ounce?

If you do need to take NSAIDs, then you do not want an RNY.

If you have GERD, the RNY is the surgery most likely to cure it. (Although my DS cured my GERD, that's not true for everyone.)

If you can lose weight easily, but need help with portion control, the Sleeve is a wonderful choice, since there's no malabsorption and you can still take NSAIDs.

If your BMI is over 50, the DS is the surgery most likely to get you to and keep you at a normal BMI. If you have metabolic problems like diabetes, PCOS, insulin resistance, , or high cholesterol, the DS is the best choice.

You need to be completely clear in your mind about which procedure you want, and why. I suggest you visit all the surgical boards, including the Revision board. Talk to people who are at least 3 years post-op, and find out what they're happy or unhappy about. Then choose YOUR procedure based on what will make you the happiest, long-term.

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