Information please people!
I've known hislady since the first day she was here or, at least, it seems that way.
For those who don't know her, hislady is one of the nicest, most giving people on OH (and anywhere else, for that matter.) She may get frustrated (don't we all?) but she's never mean and she's always willing to help anyone she can, as much as she can.
I agree with Bette and Kate, we love Hislady! ((((HUGS))))all three of these ladies were on this board when I first started coming on OH for support and answers. I can not thank them enough for all the wisdom they shared with me. I can say they would be the first to give you a hug and swift kick in the Ass if it was warranted. I know they care or they would not have stuck around to help. That's what I needed to help me become successful. I hope you stick around and learn from all the vets on here, you will be glad you did.

Lapband - Jan 2009 weight goal reached with lapband. Revised to VSG- 1/25/16
Supporting Bette in that. Hislady is a kind, helpful supportive person who battles with adversity in her own life but always has time to support and comfort others. Her only aim is to help.
Highest 290, Banded - 248 Lowest 139 (too thin!). Comfort zone 155-165.
Happily banded since May 2006. Regain of 28lbs 2013-14. ALL GONE!
But some has returned! Up to 175, argh! Off we go again,
What a shock to get on here this AM and see all the brouhaha my post caused! I guess my attempt at humor and sarcasm was an epic fail. There is no one less computer savy than myself so I just figured if I could figure out how to add that info anyone should be able to. Imagine my shock too when I learned "newbie" is an offensive term, who knew? Not I! I keep coming back not as a job but more as a calling because those who came before me did. And not trying to toot my horn but I even come here on my many stays in the hospital since it helps kill time and distracts me from the trauma of what ever I'm there for.
I've been a Sunday school teacher for heaven sakes, not exactly an evil person. I actually find this all pretty amusing because I'm probably the furthest from a Negative Nellie that you will ever find. I try everyday to find something positive in life and some days that's very difficult. Different strokes for different folks I guess! Thank you to all those who came to my defense, I don't even know most of you but I appreciate that you cared.
it's not you at all. It is theoster who is so sensitive one can't fart without it hurting her feelings.
Says she passed her psych test,so I guess the correct questions weren't asked,Kwim?
well im sorry if this upsets anyone. I am usually one to just keep quiet and move on. Ive read this thread from beginning to end and I think the vets are really trying to be helpful. I dont take offense to being called a "newbie" because that is what i am. I agree that the response to this post by Jax may have been over dramatic. BUT, and this is a big BUT... comments like this one above are personal and mean. It has no other use than to hurt someones feelings.
Getting off my soapbox now.

Lisa (38) my goal is 160 lbs.... my dream is happy and healthy
it's not you at all. It is theoster who is so sensitive one can't fart without it hurting her feelings.
Says she passed her psych test,so I guess the correct questions weren't asked,Kwim?
well im sorry if this upsets anyone. I am usually one to just keep quiet and move on. Ive read this thread from beginning to end and I think the vets are really trying to be helpful. I dont take offense to being called a "newbie" because that is what i am. I agree that the response to this post by Jax may have been over dramatic. BUT, and this is a big BUT... comments like this one above are personal and mean. It has no other use than to hurt someones feelings.
Getting off my soapbox now.
no it isn't mean,it is is not a secret that mAny pass the psych test who have no business,mentally speaking, having Wls.if you are around more than a minute,you,might find out that of which I speak.
it appears possible that this poster has a persecution complex.
No feelings hurt , no psyhe test needed here , just voicing my opininon of how I felt . But hey thanks for your comments . Really constructive , after reading a few posts of mine you seem to have a really broad view of my mental health . Reading them back I dont see how at all , but again ...thanks for your feedback on the original post .
Jax x