Information please people!
Thanks Karen ,
Believe it or not , when I made the statement of Vets who post time and time again , replying patiently to the same questions you must have heard a million times , without ever sounding like youve said it all before and are tired of not getting enough details etc etc ....I actually had you and a few others in mind !
I do understand how people must feel who've been around for yonks but I guess I just feel that this forum is new to someone ...lots of people ....every single day , so that was all I was getting at . Guess I went about wrong :(
I feel safe here no worries , and im living in Innisfil , originally from Glasgow , so I am in and around the area and have got great help and advice from people not too far ...which is great . It Iis kind of sad how far some will take these things , but I love this forum and intend to stick around . This is one of the biggest decisions of my life and im not taking it lightly , so any help I can get is really appreciated . And this place and you guys are a wealth of information .
Thanks again
Jax x
Where in my post did I tell vets not to come and give advice ? I said it was not a job so why get upset when you see people not posting correctly . Totally get the whole advice on 'how to 'thing . Got it ! Just the tone was off .
And how ' statistically ' will I not be here in six to twelve months ??????? How on earth can you come to that conclusion ? All ive done here is voice my opinion about how I felt when I read a post . You are really making this feel personal .
Never once have i said I did not value anyone elses opinion . Because I do . I just feel there is a way to say things without making othere uncomfortable.
I feel really uncomfortable now !
Again ...thanks for your opinion .
Jax x
You don't understand how statistics work, do you? It's easy to come to the conclusion that statistically, the average newbie is gone by 6 to 12 months after surgery. Some return a few years later, when they're having trouble, but the vast majority are gone for good.
Statistics apply to large numbers, not individuals. They are used to predict things like 'out of 100 people who join today, 95 will no longer be active members by 12 months post-op', but it's impossible to say whether a given individual will fall in the 5% of the 95%.
There are groups here and on FB that are strictly for newbies. Of course, this means that no one has any practical experience, and the average poster doesn't have much solid knowledge, either. So it's all questions and nothing but parroted answers, but hey---there's no hierarchy and no one telling you how to post!
on 7/14/14 3:58 am
The OP's tone I read as frustration. I think you read that as aggression. Our perspective can help with that I'm sure, as I've been here for 7 years, and understand exactly how the OP feels. You don't have that coloring your view. You are newer, and may have seen things you did yourself that she was mentioning, and that realization may have caused some defensiveness? Just guessing, based on my own experiences here.
All points above valid and taken , but as a 'Newbie ' , just simply pointing out how I felt when reading the first post , and feeling even more so now !!! My God , you guys dont have to respond or spend hours and hours helping people ! Its not a job or something that is mandatory for you to spend your time on . Why complain about how it irks you so much when people dont post right ? Yes its a suggestion a good suggestion , but everyone has the right to post here in whatever way they choose to , some people are not computer savvy and some people , dont have much common sense ! But they should be allowed to navigate this forum and learn how to use it without feeling like they've pissed everyone off !!! I appreciate the help I have recieved on here greatly , but I appreciate even more , the people who have answered my questions ( that they must have answered a million times ) with patience and bit of respect that im new to this and they were all there once themselves. Not seeing much of that here ,just more combative talk .
Jax x
everybody dislikes forum nannies. But a newbie forum nanny? Please. I wish I had a dime for every post like this...
I get where you're coming from, I'm a newbie and I initially got that knee jerk reaction from reading the post, but then I took a breath and tried to look at it from a different perspective, as in this person might be trying to help, it's a forum, they might be a vet, but not write everything down in a pc sort of way, and it takes other people to point out that hey you wrote it like this but I took it like that. Hope this makes sense.

No one surgery is better than the other, what works for one may not work for another. T-Rebel
Hey , makes perfect sense ! It was a knee jerk reaction , and after reading some of the more reasonable posts , I do understand where they are coming from . Ive said as much , and to the original poster herself also . Next time , I will be sure to take that breath ....believe me !! Thanks for this though :)
Jax x
I tip my hat to all of you that have stuck around and offer advice and support. I am a year out this month and consider myself a "newbie". Still have lots to learn.
I do the eyeroll thing at least a dozen times a day now. I commend all the vets for your patience and understanding.
I have gathered tons of information from this site just by reading, searching and a little posting and it's because of the few of you that have stuck around. I thank all of you for that!!!
(Okay the gloves are off.)
Hislady politely attempted to explain what we - the people who have been here for years, have had our surgeries for years, have been successes and failures, have seen and read pretty much EVERY.FREAKING.THING - need from people who ask for help, so we can provide that help.
It's replies like the ones here that make wonder why ANY of us veterans bother coming on at all anymore. You're right - we DON'T have to keep coming back to help people. We don't get paid for and, god knows, we have better things to do than to be given a whole heap of **** of doing it.
Perhaps the newbies need their own group where they can go and share misinformation with each other. Good luck with that. (And yes, THAT was sarcasm. BAZINGA.)
on 7/10/14 4:30 am
With you 100%! Try to be helpful, and people complain about the way you say things, the fact that you tell them what they NEED to hear and not what they WANT to hear, you just can't win.
If you don't want to get help, then by all means snark when someone asks for more information. Then the experienced people will leave you be and the boards will be even more dead then they already are, but at least nobody will have to roll their eyes at the "meanies." Then you can all pat each other on the back for being able to eat pad Thai and funyuns a week after surgery without anybody being grumpy at you.

Sparklekitty / Julie / Nerdy Little Secret (#42)
Roller derby - cycling - triathlon
VSG 2013, RNY conversion 2019 due to GERD. Trendweight here!