Please help!! 7 weeks out and still tough to eat

on 7/9/14 6:50 am

I am on a cruise ship. I am trying to eat foods. Not much goes down or stays in. It feels like someone is pushing a thick wet rag down my esophagus. I even tried broken up ground beef chewing endlessly. Egg over easy couldn't do. Shouldn't I be progressing by joe?

on 7/9/14 7:28 am - San Diego, CA
RNY on 12/27/12

Does it feel that way when you drink?  What about protein shakes?  I can't remember which surgery you had.

Ground beef can be tough to eat - I think it took me about 3 months before I could do ground beef without pain/weirdness.  I still can't do eggs unless they are poached - and I am almost 19 months out. 

Soups, broths, chilli, tuna, moist fish, seafood, shrimp, cottage cheese, ricotta cheese, hard cheese, protein shakes - those are the things I ate for the first 3 months or so.  Chicken was hard until about 9 months to 1 year out - now it is fine if it is moist. 

Good luck!

HW: 274 | SW: 232 | CW: 137 | Goal: 145 (ticker includes a 42 pound loss pre-op) | Height: 5'4"

M1: -24 (205) | M2: -14 (191) | M3: -11 (180) | M4: -7 (173) | M5: -7 (166) | M6: -8 (158) | M7: -11 (147) | M8: -2 (145) | M9: -3 (142) | M10: -2 (140) | M11: -4 (136) | M12: -2 (134) | M13: -0 (134) | M14: -3 (131) | M15: +4 (135) | M16: +2 (137)

Valerie G.
on 7/9/14 8:52 am - Northwest Mountains, GA

On a cruise and not able to fully enjoy the lovely foods must be torture!  I agree - ground beef, surprisingly is a tough one to start off with.  Try shrimp and moist, tender meats and cheeses.  Try soft scrambled eggs with cheese instead.

DS 2005

There is room on this earth for all of God's creatures..
next to the mashed potatoes

Kate -True Brit
on 7/9/14 7:44 pm - UK

It would be really helpful to know which surgery you have had. With my band, both eggs and ground beef would have been tricky at 7 weeks out.

Highest 290, Banded - 248   Lowest 139 (too thin!). Comfort zone 155-165.

Happily banded since May 2006.  Regain of 28lbs 2013-14.  ALL GONE!

But some has returned! Up to 175, argh! Off we go again,


on 7/9/14 10:41 pm

I had full gastric bypass. Thank you for all suggestions. 

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