Any Kaiser members.

on 7/6/14 11:24 am, edited 7/6/14 11:50 am

I was wondering if there is any other Kaiser members on the site. Kaiser has its own program and seems pretty straight forward. I was hoping to find someone who has gone through the program or is going through the program. 


on 7/7/14 5:09 am

Hi!!! I'm a Kaiser member and have completed all of the requirements. Just waiting till I move next month to call for my surgery date!!! And yes the program is very straight forward and it seems it's a lot easer than most other insurance plans. I completed everything in less than 2 months where as other plans require 6 months of supervised dieting. Best of luck to you!!!

on 7/7/14 5:25 am

I'm doing my options classes now. I hope I can have surgery this year! Thank you for your post. I hope your move goes well. 


on 7/8/14 4:26 am

Hi! I'm a Kaiser member also. I have completed my Options class, and had my surgical consult already. Have my pre-op appointment tomorrow. Surgery is scheduled for August 5. Any questions you have, I would love to try and answer (along with the previous poster, I'm sure). :-)



on 7/8/14 6:49 am

Hi thank you for your reply. How long after you finished the class when did you go to surgical consult?  I hope to have surgery this year. Please keep me updated on your journey. 



on 7/8/14 6:54 am

I finished my Options class on April 24 and had my consult within two weeks. I didn't hear from the scheduler for the surgeon's office for three weeks after that though. And I called them, they didn't actually call me. :) My surgeon is on vacation for the rest of July, that's why my pre-op is tomorrow, and my surgery isn't until next month.



on 7/10/14 3:58 am

Had my pre-op appointment yesterday. They weighed me, I met with the surgeon who explained the rest of the process to me (for five minutes really), then I met with the Bariatric Care Coordinator who explained the diet for after surgery and vitamins, etc, then I met with an anesthesiologist who asked me a bunch of questions, ordered an EKG (because I haven't had one), and then I was done. I went down to the insurance department and gave them my Leave of Absence papers to fill out for my job, asked about how to file for disability insurance, and left.

From my Surgeon:

Liquids only on the day prior to surgery, stop all liquids at midnight the night before surgery. If you eat or drink anything past midnight they will cancel/postpone the surgery. He also said they want me at the same weight or lower, do not gain anything.

From the Bariatric Care Coordinator:

This is the lady (there are two, but I met with one) who I am to contact with any questions about the procedure leading up to it. She went over the menu/food stages post-op and shopping lists that they provide (you can find it here, this is my surgery location's site, but the info is the same). She also talked about the different vitamins you have the option to take. I am sticking with bariatric advantage's multi, because I don't have to take anything else to get everything I need. The Trader Joe's/Centrum Women's/etc are cheaper, but for all the amounts of each vitamin they want us to get, we'd have to buy a bunch of extras to go with those, and I'm about convenience. So the less pills I gotta chew up, the better. Also found out that we only have to do chewable for a month, and then if your stomach can handle pills after that: switch. Yay!



They want to know your history with anesthesia, and if you may possibly have allergies or bad reactions. They are the ones who ordered my EKG (that I promptly spaced, and left the hospital without doing oops). They want me to take out all metal jewelry before surgery also. Noticeable though: she didn't tell me to remove my nail polish or toenail polish and I have heard that from a lot of people. But yay? LOL


That is all so far!



on 7/10/14 4:09 am

Wow, what a day you had how exciting. Thank you for the update and info. Tonight I have me 2 options class. 



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