30 year old
I am a 30 year old male, and weigh somewhere between 450 and 480 lbs, probably closer to the latter number. I have heard that I am in the perfect age range to have this operation and not feel any of the more sever side-effects. Just want to know if that's true for anyone here. I've never had any heart trouble, but lately I've had stamina issues and a nagging back. I want to get healthy, not skinny.
I am going to strongly urge you to research a form of WLS called the Duodenal Switch. The DS is the form of WLS that has the very best long-term, maintained weight-loss stats, period. This is true for patients of any size, but especially so for those of us with a BMI greater than 50, and I'm guessing at your weight yours is.
At 30 years old, you really need something that will stand the test of time, and something that you can live happily with for a long, long time.
on 7/8/14 2:44 am
I am not sure if I understand what you are asking, and you haven't stated what WLS you are considering. If you are asking if you're a good age candidate for weight loss surgery, the answer is yes. Are you at a higher risk due to your BMI? Yes. Are you at a higher risk doing nothing? Yes. WLS has really made a huge difference in my health. I would suggest that you go to the BMI over 50 board and to the particular surgery you are looking at to research your choice. Good luck.

"What you eat in private, you wear in public." --- Kat