Sleeve vs. RNY?

Julia HasHerLifeNow
on 7/4/14 2:43 am
VSG on 10/09/12

There are thousands of successful sleevers who lose waaaaay more than 40 lbs. Have a look on the VSG board. The RnY malabsorption of calories lasts a couple of years, then you absorb them again fully but never again will you absorb the vitamins and minerals. You also lose your pyloric valve with the RnY and not with the sleeve. I think is is a fallacious argument to say that with the RnY you can eat whatever you want and keep the weight off. Plenty of regain with the RnY and any surgery as soon as you stop following the rules! Surgery is a tool to help with the life time lifestyle change. If you don't do that then no surgery will help. Well, maybe the DS. If I were your weight I would get the DS hands down. But research, make a pro and con list and read on the RnY and VSG boards as well as the revision board and see what you learn and how you feel and what is best for you. Good luck in whatever you decide.

View more of my photos at 5ft0; highest weight 222; surgery weight 208; current weight 120



Brad Special

on 7/7/14 1:58 am
VSG on 12/06/12

Your stats are way off. The rate of success is comparable to that of the RNY. This is per the american bariatric surgeons association. I lost 136 pounds in a year which is more then many RNYers lose. They both can be effective if used correctly. You may want some facts before you try giving some misinformation.

Valerie G.
on 7/4/14 1:05 am - Northwest Mountains, GA

At your weight, the duodenal switch will give you the best chances to lose and maintain the highest rate of weight loss, but I don't think your doc will even offer it.  The peeps on the DS board can hook you up with resources to learn more and find a surgeon to help.  If you stick with only what this particular surgeon offers, the RNY is going to give you a metabolic edge to lose more weight faster the first year or so than the sleeve will.

The DS, on the other hand, maintains that metabolic edge for the long-haul.

DS 2005

There is room on this earth for all of God's creatures..
next to the mashed potatoes

on 7/4/14 2:00 am

Valerie,  when I went to my surgeon and mentioned the DS, which I wanted, he said he doesn't do it nor recommend it.  Why is it that not many so this?

  All posts that I make on this site, any forum, are a result in my having experience and caring for anyone having to go through life as an obese person. If you have medical issues, please see your doctor for medical advice.



Valerie G.
on 7/4/14 3:12 am, edited 7/4/14 3:15 am - Northwest Mountains, GA

The DS is much more complicated and takes longer to learn and perform.  That's about it.  I've heard so many exerrations and outright lies coming out of surgeon's offices about that procedure.  There is also much more involved for the patient to take care of themselves nutritionally, and patients should be more thoughtfully selected for the DS for this reason.  All of these take a larger toll on resources in the doc's office and since they don't make much more on insurance, they don't bother.  Consider this.  You're asking a Honda dealer about Ford're not going to get much of an educated response, only a stronger push for you to buy the Honda.  PM me if you'd like a list of respected DS surgeons.  The moderators get testy when I post a link to it.

DS 2005

There is room on this earth for all of God's creatures..
next to the mashed potatoes

on 7/4/14 2:12 am - Susanville , CA

Yes you are right my surgeon only offers the sleeve,  RNY, or the band.   I don't have the option to change surgeons as it has taken over a year to find one that will work with my insurance. I don't think I would change anyway at this point. I like this surgeon.  Anyway just trying to find out all I can before my pre OP appointment in mid July and have to make final decision. 

on 7/4/14 1:29 am

My doctor explained that it was safer and a better outcome. The surgery isn't as long and you don't have a problem with absorption of vitamins and medications. My doctor doesn't do the bypass anymore. I did a lot of research and found the sleeve to be better for me anyway.


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