What to expect when I leave the hospital

on 6/28/14 5:24 pm

My gastric bypass is July 11.  I was wondering if those who have already had surgery can tell me what to expect when I get home.  I'm curious about pain, getting up and down from toilet, getting in and out of bed, where you slept (bed or recliner)...  I live on my own, but I have plenty of friends who will help me.  Do I need somebody here full time?  Being so independent I need help figuring out how much help I need.  Thanks!

on 6/28/14 6:26 pm - FL
RNY on 01/07/14

I also live alone and had no problems at all. I never used any of my pain meds so I was able to drive on my second day home.

Its possible that you will discover pretty quickly if you've become lactose intolerant...I wish that I had thought ahead of time to have some Lactaid on hand just in case.

No problems with toilet or bed.  I did have to move slowly going up and down stairs.

Just remember that with any surgery, you will be very tired and when your body wants a nap, take one.  You will also be sore so take it easy.

I was pretty much back to normal in about a week, keeping in touch with friends via text or phone calls.

Most of all, you will be sent home with instructions for your first days out.  Follow those rules.

You will be fine!!! Best wishes for your journey!!

RNY 1/7/2014 with Jeffery Lord, Pensacola, FL

on 6/29/14 6:22 am

Thanks so much for your advice and well wishes!

on 6/29/14 1:21 am - Wellborn, FL

My date was 5/28 I live with my disabled mother so I was solo. The pain is different for everyone I was just tender and the hardest part was finding a comfortable seeping position. They want you to walk so keep you drink on the counter at least a small walk away this way you help the gas escape which helps with the uncomfortable feeling. Just do what you can when you can when you can. You do not need anyone there full time unless you want them there. Just make sure you have all your laundry done before hand I did not :) so I was slowing unloading a washer I slept in my bed with a pillow on my tummy it creates a pressure that helps. I asked not be given pain pills due to the alone issue I wanted to be able to know if my areas were changing if the pain changes from tender to full pain you need to be able to know so you can contact your surgeon. I am sure you will do fine and good luck!!! 

on 6/29/14 2:17 am

I just left the hospital yesterday after gastric bypass. I had the surgery Wed. Evening and left the hospital Saturday morning. I am tired but my chief complaint is a burning soarness to left below my belly button. Not directly under a suture. It hurts the most when I stand up, walk or lay on my side. What is this and is it common?

on 6/29/14 6:24 am

Thanks so much.  Congrats on your surgery!

on 6/29/14 6:30 am

Thanks!  I know I'll get more info this week at my pre-op class, but I'm getting anxious - in a good way!

on 6/29/14 2:28 am

I just left the hospital yesterday. I had RNY bypass. The uncomfortableness that I fell is in my abdomin only. I am a side sleeper and can only find comfort on my back or in a recliner. In a standing position or laying on my side I get a strong burning pain to my left of my belly button that I am hoping is normal but it sure does burn and is painful. I am able to get around on my own it is just painful for the short amount of time I am on my feet

on 6/29/14 9:51 am
RNY on 09/11/12

I had no problems doing anything.  No pain, slight soreness in the incision sites.  After 9 days home, I went back to work 1/2 days for a week.

  Annie  HW 289   SW 257   GW 150