Help! I'm frustrated . . . need advice.

on 6/28/14 11:42 am

Ok, so I had gastric sleeve on May 7, 2014.  Which is seven weeks ago and I have lost 42 lbs.  All of the sudden this last week I lose a pound or so than the next day I gain it back.  This has been going on every day for a week straight.  I heard that this happens to everyone however I thought it would be later on down the road when I had my last 30 pounds to lose.  Can anyone tell me if this is normal?  Has this happenned to you?  Any suggestions on what I can do to get past this hurdle. Not like I'm eating a ton of food.  I honestly eat like 3 or 4 bites and am full, so I stop.  I welcome any suggestions you can offer me.




Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass . . .

but learning how to dance in the rain.


on 6/28/14 12:35 pm

I had my surgery Marcg 11th. I had a week of not losing anything. Now im back to losing again. Its important to weight yourself at the sameime time everyday. Your weight can vary through so much throughout the day.

on 6/29/14 1:56 am

Thanks Mark for your response.  I do way myself at the same time everytime.  Hopefully I will start loseing again soon.


Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass . . .

but learning how to dance in the rain.


on 6/28/14 2:21 pm

Hello!! I had the Gastric Sleeve April 29,2014. I've had this happen to me also. my nurse told me to be sure I continue my protein shakes along with my small meals. I agree with the first post, your weight can change thru out the day depending on what time you weight in. The best time to weight yourself is in the morning....with no clothes on LOL. 

on 6/29/14 2:08 am

Lol . . . clothes off?  Yikes . . . Scary!!!!  Weighing every morning around the same time.  Back to three protein shakes a day. Hoping that will get me back on track.  Thanks for your advice!


Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass . . .

but learning how to dance in the rain.


on 6/28/14 7:05 pm
VSG on 07/22/13
Are you measuring and tracking your consumption? It is very important to measure and track. It is important not to eat until you feel full but to eat about two ounces and stop. Also, are you eating 80+ grams of protein daily?

Stalls happen so it is important to stick to your plan regardless.

Good luck.


on 6/29/14 2:03 am

Yes I do track and measure everything.  The only thing that I did differently was  I ran out of my protein shake mix. I had been drinking three of them a day for a total of 60 grams of protein a day.  I was trying to get protein from my meals.  Im back to three shakes a day now.  Hoping this increases my weight loss.  I will keep you posted.  Thanks!


Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass . . .

but learning how to dance in the rain.


on 6/29/14 3:32 am
VSG on 07/22/13
It is great that you're tracking. I suggest you find a better protein shake mix. If you are drinking three a day and only getting 60 grams of protein, your shakes may have too many calories and/or extra carbs that are interfering with your weight loss. Look for something that will give you at least 30 grams of protein per serving.

I keep my carbs under 40 grams daily.


on 6/29/14 4:21 am

Wow not eniugh protein in the shakes im using?  Im using the product Permalean which was given to me by my surgeon.  They sale the priduct right in the offuce.  According to what ive read im should have 60 grams of protein a day.  I ran out but am having three a day again.  Hoping that helps.  I have my next doctor visit in a few weeks.  I will talk to him and the nutritionist.  Thanks!


Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass . . .

but learning how to dance in the rain.


on 6/29/14 4:41 am
VSG on 07/22/13
My plan calls for 700-800 calories per day, 80-90 grams of protein, under 40 grams of carbs daily (I target 20 grams) with 100 ounces of water. It works for me.

I use premier protein shakes which have 30 grams of protein with 160 calories. I get my shakes from Costco. I am not able to drink milk because of lactose intolerance.

It is important to follow your plan yet you must advocate for yourself as well.

