Looking 4 WLS Bud

on 6/27/14 3:02 pm

I am on my second surgeon due to insurance wouldn't cover other surgeon so I had to kind of start over for WLS, but I get to use all my documented medical information and I should be on the road to surgery soon.  At least I hope.  I have two tests coming up.  One to check on how larger my hiatal hernia is.  If it is too large then I will have to change my planned surgery of a Sleeve and look at Gastric Bypass.  Cardiologist appointment to see if my ticker is ticking good.  I have to lose 26lbs before surgery and let me tell you this has been the worst part for me.  I have PCOS and hypothyroidism and I struggle so hard to lose the weight.  Anyhow, looking for a WLS bud to encourage me along as we support each other with our path to WLS. 

Krys H.
on 6/27/14 6:34 pm - hemet, CA

I have to lose 25 lbs before surgery. I am supposed to have surgery by end of august. hru doing?

on 6/28/14 3:22 pm

There are at least 3 companies that operate in my area that require that.  I was at my clinic's support group this past week and someone mentioned it was required and we had the funniest response from an older guy (late 60s) about it.  His exact words...  "If you could lose weight by yourself you wouldn't need the d@&n surgery!"  The whole group about fell out laughing.

Hope that gave a little chuckle...  Good luck!!


HW:  360   CW: 291.8 GW:  170



on 6/30/14 2:45 am

Those were my thoughts exactly in the beginning.

on 6/30/14 2:38 am

I don't have a surgery date set yet.  I have 30 lbs to lose.  I am struggling to get the scale to move, but taking it one day at a time.  Moving more and eating less.  

on 6/30/14 2:42 am

I don't have a surgery date yet. I have 30lbs to lose.  So I am taking it one day at a time move more eat less and trying to get the scale to move.

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