Upset, having a pity party, and just needing to vent.

Kim C.
on 6/26/14 1:59 am - Canada

Hey, just a little bit upset right now (okay, a lot upset and in tears)....I had a date booked for a gastroscopy in mid-July, I received a call earlier this week about a cancellation for this week. The surgeon's office just called to let me know they couldn't do the procedure due to an O.R. emergency, and I've now been rescheduled for August. I lost my July date to someone deemed a 'higher priority', and I'm back on the waiting list. I understand these things happen, but I'm to the point I'm done even putting any stock in any of this. I'm bummed out and thinking maybe I'll just drop out of the program all together and stay fat....what is the point of going through constant disappointment at the hands of others? I hate the fact I've been waiting, doing everything required of me, and now I'm pushed back yet another month. I guess for those who have never had a weight problem, it's 'easy' to lose weight and keep it off??

Yes, I'm having a self-pity party's SO frustrating to do all of this work to get to this point, only to be pushed off as not high enough of a priority, and there's not a dang thing I can do about it. :( I don't think it would have been as bad had the employee not told me someone else is a 'higher priority' So I guess my health doesn't matter as much as someone else? Why not just say the spot was filled as they had scheduled me in on a cancellation?

Having a crappy day all around, needed to vent before I go mad and do something stupid like eat a pint of ice cream. Thanks for reading....

T Hagalicious Rebel

on 6/26/14 3:15 am - Brooklyn
VSG on 04/25/14

Totally understand the pity party, all I can say is stick with it, it's totally worth it! You've come a long way & see it thru to the end. I'm having my own pity party. I went from 320 to 315 to 317 in a week, even though I know part of it was my monthly flow, then got my labs & my iron is low again & my sugar went up aliitle from 6.1 to 6.3, so I got some tweaking to do, but really it's a process & it sucks to have to wait again, just try to concentrate on the end result, a healthier you! Good luck on your weight loss journey!

No one surgery is better than the other, what works for one may not work for another. T-Rebel

on 6/26/14 5:49 am
RNY on 02/04/15

I am so sorry you are feeling thi sway kimlc.  I just wanted to say I feel for you.  Could you call them back and see if they could put you again on the cancellation list?  Don't give up, you've come this far!  xx

on 6/26/14 6:35 am - Canada

Chin up Girl!! It sucks butt for sure but you have a date!...I'm with you on the Ice Cream however I am sure I would have caved and not even hesitated!! ...Cheer's  to better days ahead!!

H.A.L.A B.
on 6/26/14 6:40 am

August is a couple months away.  Patience grasshopper. It will happen - sooner than you think.

Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG

"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"

"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."

on 6/26/14 7:25 am, edited 6/26/14 7:25 am
On June 26, 2014 at 1:40 PM Pacific Time, H.a.l.a. B. wrote:

August is a couple months away.  Patience grasshopper. It will happen - sooner than you think.

So true!  The time will fly by!

ETA:  I don't think a pity party is necessarily a bad thing every now and then.  Just pick yourself - you got this!


HW:  360   CW: 291.8 GW:  170



on 6/26/14 2:42 pm

I understand u totally. I was just approved today for surgery July 10 and a great burden has been lifted off my shoulders. After being denied last year after having a date set for March of 13, I felt deflated a well. Let your health be your motivation to keep fighting. Before you know it your date will be here and this post all be a thing of the past. Good luck on your journey! 


andy M.
on 6/26/14 3:28 pm - fairfax, VA

Keep your head up and keep charging ahead. I know it sux to have your surgery rescheduled, but thankfully you only got a little over a month to wait. Trust me time will fly by and your surgery will be here in no time. You just got to remember that your doing this for your health so you can live longer and a better quality of life. Waiting a month may seem like eternity but for the outcome your gonna get, its WELL WORTH the little wait. Take this month to keep practicing for your life after surgery, such as sipping water all day, eating small meals, high protein and low card and sugar meals, cut the snacking out. If you practice now it will be A LOT easier afterwards!

on 6/26/14 11:26 pm

Oh how I feel your pain.  I TOO have been there.  I did everything the doctors asked and thought I was all clear only to find out I have sleep apnea. I have to have ANOTHER sleep study (titration) and ANOTHER doctor appointment then I have to be on the c-PAP machine for an extended period of time.  Ugh...the whole process was so frustrating.  However, I tried to keep in mind I did not get this way (obese) overnight, it took years....  

I am happy to report that I am now scheduled for a July 21st surgery.  It will all work out the way it is supposed to - nothing we can do or say can change it.  Try and keep looking forward to the BIGGER picture...a LESSER you!        Best of luck to you!

on 6/27/14 10:41 am

I know any delay is frustrating, but---seriously, if a setback of only a month is really enough to make you think seriously want to "drop out of the program all together and stay fat", then maybe you're not emotionally ready for this. Believe me, there will be a LOT of things far more difficult and frustrating after surgery.

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