I'm always on the Manitoba Forum-first time here

(deactivated member)
on 6/26/14 7:09 am

Hi all,

I just wanted to copy and paste what has transpired with me... 

No surprise that I am having health issues and have had for some time.The latest is that my knees are needing to be replaced, but my thighs are just WAY to big and he doesn't want to take any chances, as he doesn't think he can get the knee cap property lined up. My back is always hurting. I am so tired of feeling so tired and no energy and my anxiety has gone up a lot now too, as I see small children staring at me at times as well as adults.. It hurts...

So, I was referred back in Nov 2011 but I was told no at the time as my BMI was too high.. And I would be put on a waiting list til they open the BMI to a higher amount..

On August 16 2013 I received my letter of acceptance.

In December I received a letter inviting me to the orientation which was almost the end of January 2014. After this step, it usually takes a month or two to get your visits in with the appropriate people, but A week later I saw the nutritionist and psychologist

As week after that I saw the nurse and fitness girl - first week of February

They gave me goals to do, and I had to have blood work done within the 2 weeks so I did that and I was working on the goals they gave me. I had a letter in the mail telling me my vitamin D was really low and that I had to call the dietician and that she would get a prescription sent out to me for big doses of vitamin D.  Then I had a call the last week of March, saying I had my follow up with the psychologist yesterday (April 4). My family GP last time I saw him, told me he had a letter from the clinic asking for more info about me, and he got right to it he said, as he didn't want to delay me any more, as I have been waiting since 2011.

Well this is what happened yesterday (Friday April 4)


So here I go to this appointment expecting only the best of course.. I was so excited to get going on this new path of my life..

I had the follow-up April 4 with the psychologist to find out about the program and I was told something that I wasn't expecting I have officially been removed from the program due to my mental illness and all the stress I'm going thru and what I'm going thru with my mom . I was told that my Dr can re- refer me in and a year and a bit my and I will go to the bottom of the pile !!!!!! I was not expecting this for news I thought if anything they would just put me on hold for 6 months then follow up with me then. Fn BS is all I have I say. I have been waiting for this since 2011. F$&@ is the only thing I can say. I feel cheated, I feel I am being penalized for my mom dyeing (who is now stable and has been moved out of palliative care...and for my mentality, they didn't really explain it Even thou I did my best for what they asked me to do... U don't know why they brought me in just to break me apart. As I got a letter in the mail a couple of days afterwards, telling me what they told me in person... truly broke me to pieces..

SOoooo Now my Dr is trying to appeal it.  I have found out that Edmonton has an Excellent Bariatric program @ the Royal Alexandra Hospital.  When I see my Dr again, I want to ask him if he can refer me there instead of just sitting here waiting till next year sometime.. I desperately want and I NEED it as I have a very hard time with moving around etc..... I'm tired of hurting and being ridiculed for my weight.. I want to start life all over again, I am not happy with where I am in life.


I am enrolled in a 5 week psych health program right now, just finishing up week 1 tomorrow.. Correct me if I am wrong, a lot of people obese like myself, have some sort of depression...

I just wanted to rant...  and thank you for letting me do so!

Gwen M.
on 6/26/14 8:50 am
VSG on 03/13/14

I will have my fingers crossed for your appeal.  

VSG with Dr. Salameh - 3/13/2014
Diagnosed with Binge Eating Disorder and started Vyvanse - 7/22/2016
Reconstructive Surgeries with Dr. Michaels - 6/5/2017 (LBL & brachioplasty), 8/14/2017 (UBL & mastopexy), 11/6/2017 (medial leg lift)

Age 42 Height 5'4" HW 319 (1/3/2014) SW 293 (3/13/2014) CW 149 (7/16/2017)
Next Goal 145 - normal BMI | Total Weight Lost 170

TrendWeight | Food Blog (sort of functional) | Journal (down for maintenance)

Cathy W.
on 6/27/14 3:55 am

Sometimes with the WLS process it is one step forward and two steps back.  Unfortunately it seems that way for you right now.

From reading various article and all the anti-depression med commercials, there are many people that suffer with depression.  Before surgery, I was on anti-depressants because I ate to self-medicate my depression. 

The 5-week psych health program will hopefully be of help to you.  Take advantage of every opportunity you can to pursue having the surgery earlier but at least it seems you will have it....not a question of IF but WHEN. 

Glad you ranted so we can support you. 

(deactivated member)
on 6/27/14 6:33 am

Thank you Cathy

on 6/28/14 12:52 am
VSG on 11/25/14

You have been through so much. If all else fails and you don't want to wait until next year you should check into going to Mexico. Lots of people have done it and researched it to no limits. It is a way to get the surgery fairly quick if you can afford it. Many people might have second and third thoughts about it, but do your research I have heard of some getting information on it and being booked for surgery the following month. I thought about this myself because I was having many problems here but I just bought a vacation home and can no longer afford it. Anyway it's a thought, if you want to talk to people that have done this you can go to the Mexico section on this site they are very willing to talk to you. I have even heard that Mexico is cleaner than the states. Either way good luck with your journey and please keep us informed. I will keep my fingers crossed that things work out for you soon. It's awful that this has happened to you. Good Luck.

(deactivated member)
on 6/28/14 3:08 am

Thank you so much for your reply.. Mexico has crossed my mind many of times, however we can not afford it. We barely get by right now. If I had the money I would for sure do the mexico thing! :) 

Thanks again,

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