In loving memory of Dr. Alberto Aceves...
Completely understandable that your head is spinning. We have some information that will hopefully be helpful to you.
Dr. Beltran is a very experienced surgeon and was trained by Dr. Aceves. In fact, Dr. Beltran is so good that after his training, Dr. Aceves hired him for Mexicali Bariatric. Together with Dr. Aceves, Dr. Beltran has performed 1,500 surgeries. Because of his expertise, he is in the process of becoming a proctor for Johnson & Johnson. Dr. Beltran uses the same technique and process as Dr. Aceves.
There have been four members that have had their surgery with Dr. Beltran and they have been very happy with their surgical experience.
If you'd like to talk with us further, please call us at 1-866-957-4636 or email [email protected].