3 weeks post op and miserable!!!!

on 6/22/14 3:04 pm
RNY on 06/04/14

I had my surgery June 4th. A week later I ended up back in the hospital with abdominal pain that went around to my back and a high temp.   I was admitted because my oxygen level was low and they were concerned about pneumonia or a collapsed lung.   It took the doctors 3 days to find I had gall stones that brought on pancreatitis.   The pancreatitis affected my lungs and my kidneys.   In a week between surgery and re admitting to the hospital I had lost 20 lbs.  Now... I can't eat anything.   Everything tastes bad.  My kidneys still aren't working right.   I am retaining tons of fluids and weigh more than I did before surgery.  I am miserable.   I crave tons of foods that I am not allowed to eat, but the though of eating makes me nauseated.   I feel uncomfortable in my own body.  My brain and body are fighting and all I want to do is cry all the time.  I can't find energy to do anything.  I'm uncomfortable laying down and uncomfortable standing up and uncomfortable sitting.   I hate my family when they eat.  When will this misery end?  Will it get any easier?  In addition. .. I get to go back to the hospital in 4-6 weeks to have my gall bladder removed.  Ahhhhhh....  Please tell me there is daylight at the end of this nightmare! !!


on 6/22/14 4:04 pm
RNY on 05/07/13

It will get better.  Honest.  You may still have a lot of the IV fluids in you from your complication.  Just keep trying to get your liquids in and keep trying to move.  The Gall Bladder removal will be nothing after all the pain you have been through.  I had my gall bladder removed about 6 weeks ago and compared to the bypass and it was much better pain wise and recovery than my WLS.  Many people have these feelings after the surgery even without complications.  Things will get better!









on 6/22/14 9:22 pm

I am sorry to hear about your condition but do not worry as your time will also change and you will see better days. Having the gastric sleeve surgery could be one of the best decisions you would have made and therefore do not worry.Stay positive and look forward to leading a healthy life after your gall bladder surgery.God bless... 
