Bariatric surgery and Medicaid

on 6/22/14 7:03 am

Hi...I'm new here.  I was just wondering if anyone here has experienced trying to get the surgery and Medicaid covers it.  Also, does anyone have any reccomendations on a surgeon?  Thank you

on 6/22/14 9:29 am - OH
VSG on 03/19/15

I have Medicaid and so far they are covering my surgery as long as it is medically necessary plus I had to qualify.  I'm not sure where you live in order to recommend a surgeon for you.

The tragedy in life doesn't lie in not reaching your goal. The tragedy lies in having no goal to reach.- Benjamin Mays

HW:450, Consult W:371, SW:353



on 6/22/14 9:39 am

I believe Medicaide is state funded, so each state can have it's own rules.


There are state specific boards here, you might get better responses from posting in your area.

You should have a phone number on your card that you can call for more info.


on 7/4/14 1:27 am, edited 7/4/14 1:43 am - South Point, OH
VSG on 12/17/14

This is what I know:

I had to have a referral from my PCP to start the WLP.  I have an appointment on the 21st. BUT I finally broke down and called my insurance company ( just to make sure everything was in order) and they said that I had to get a prior authorization sent in by my PCP (which the WLP didnt know about). If I get the approval on the prior authorization then I will find out what specific requirements I have to meet. At this point, I have no clue until I hear back from insurance company. I am supposed to get a letter in 5-7 days stating whether I was approved or denied. If denied, I can appeal it. If approved then I will find out if I have to do the 6 month diet and such. The next week is going to kill me ( with the holiday in between it may be longer) I am scared that I am going to be denied but I am hoping and praying that this will go thru. When I officially know something, Ill post back on here :)

I hope this helps.

on 7/4/14 1:31 am - South Point, OH
VSG on 12/17/14
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