Surgery day tomorrow. Please help me calm down.
I remember the night before. For me nothing else had worked. I was confident of the surgeon. I knew I would be better off.
I hope if you can think long term...down the you will...feel..... How you will look....the things you may struggle with won't.
Good'll be fine
First of all, congratulations for reaching this step of a very rewarding journey to a healthier you. You will be fine!!! My good friend always says "don't borrow trouble", so I say the same to you. It's natural to be nervous and afraid, but your doctors have evaluated you, and they have confidence that you'll do well.
i am 3 years post roux-en-y, and thriving. The first few days will probably be uncomfortable, but look at the positives, and before you know it, you'll have that healthy glow! Good luck!!
Like some of the above posters said, they should offer you something in your IV to calm you down. If not, just tell them that you are nervous (it's ok to ******vous!!) and can they give you something.
Don't beat yourself up - feelings are feelings. It's a big step. At the same time, you are in wonderful hands and your family, friends and OH family are all pulling for you.
Maybe try not focusing on the procedure itself ... think of how good it will feel to lose weight - how good the future will be.
PLEASE don't call it off - when you were calmer, you made the right decision to have this surgery, and you have gone through all of the prep work. All you have to do is show up and let the surgeon do his thing :) I cried when I saw my surgeon pre-op ... I was scared too! but I knew I was in excellent hands and that I was making the best decision for my health.
We are pulling for you and sending good and calming thoughts! Take care of you, try to relax today and sleep tonight (maybe watch some funny movies or silly TV to make you laugh and get your mind off things). You're going to do great! can't wait to hear from you once you're on the Loser's Bench! Hugs!

What shall I return to the Lord for all his bounty to me?
I will lift up the cup of salvation and call on the name of the Lord, I will pay my vows to the Lord in the presence of all his people. Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his faithful ones.
O Lord, I am your servant; I am your servant, the child of your serving girl. You have loosed my bonds. -- Psalm 116:12-16
Alive and Kicking. Feel okay considering all things. My family is worried because of how little I can drink at one time but I've explained I can only drink about 2 ounces at at time and they're getting used to it. I'll be back around when I'm feeling chattier, but for now I'm all about resting, walking once an hour, and drinking my fluids.
Thank you all so much for the support.