Starting to get second thoughts

on 6/21/14 5:08 pm - OH
VSG on 03/19/15

So I have 2 more months left of my medically supervised diet and some testing left before getting my surgery date for VSG. Well my friends and other people have been talking to me about having the surgery and not wanting me to have it because of risk plus the fact they know of people that already had and died because of it.

Well I spoke to my surgeon and she has been doing this for 14 yrs plus she is director or something and she said she has never had anyone die on her.  One friend even said statistics show those who get the gastric bypass surgery done die about 10 yrs after the surgery.

So I love my friends because I know they are looking out for me but I still want to have this surgery but now I'm not so sure because everyone putting the scare in me.

The tragedy in life doesn't lie in not reaching your goal. The tragedy lies in having no goal to reach.- Benjamin Mays

HW:450, Consult W:371, SW:353



on 6/21/14 6:30 pm

You do what YOU want to do. Your friends should be support your decision because its yours to make. They are scared for you too which is reasonable. But, I know being overweight I wasnt happy with myself. Im losing weight and feeling much better. I think any reasonable person would be a little scared because it is a big step in life and the future is uncertain. I know if I didnt have this surgery I would be dead in 10 yrs anyay

Amy Farrah Fowler
on 6/21/14 6:39 pm

Your friend is an idiot. You need to do research with REAL studies, and it would be good if you shared it with the hand wringing worry worts, if they are actually interested in facts.

If they'd rather just fret and repeat hearsay or wives tales, tell them it's your business and your health, and to keep their opinions to themselves.  

on 6/21/14 7:07 pm
VSG on 07/22/13
What if you needed a surgery? Would they try to talk you out of it? I needed three c-sections in order to have healthy babies. Those were major surgeries and no one tried to talk me out of it. Those surgeries were the result of my having sex nine months earlier.

Having a fertile sexual experience always resulted in a surgical event in my case. But no one ever told me to stop having sex.

So later I made very poor food choices and became obese. Once again, I found that I needed surgery in order to be healthy. I love my VSG.

Surgery is always risky. Driving my car is risky. Being obese was very risky for me. VSG was a risk worth taking. Good luck.


on 6/22/14 1:32 am - OH
VSG on 03/19/15

Thank you. I told one when I had shoulder surgery I had a reaction to the block they gave and I stopped breathing twice during surgery.  I could of died then.  My ENT only gave me 2 yrs to live because of my weight and sleep apnea.  I beat those odds so far but still would like to beat them even longer.

The tragedy in life doesn't lie in not reaching your goal. The tragedy lies in having no goal to reach.- Benjamin Mays

HW:450, Consult W:371, SW:353



Kate -True Brit
on 6/21/14 8:46 pm - UK

Oh these friends who once met someone who heard of someone whose colleague at work died! Or these newspaper articles about people who had weight loss surgery, turned purple and exploded.  Listen to your doctor. Look at proper scientific  research. Then YOU decide what to do about YOUR body. 

There was a big fuss over here a few years ago about a bypassed woman who died because if her surgery. Simply wasn't true! Yes, she had surgery. Yes, she died. Bit it was very likely not cause and effect.  Despite breaking every rule she had been given (so didn't lose weight),  continued eating sugary foods and so dumped regularly and then moaned because her life was hell! She died from a blood clot about a year after surgery. OK , any surgery can make that more likely in the short-term but that was not short term. And being being morbidly obese,  all the associated problems were just as likely to have been the cause. 

Nothing is risk free. Things can go wrong. But being morbidly obese is hardly a risk-free strategy for a long life!  

Highest 290, Banded - 248   Lowest 139 (too thin!). Comfort zone 155-165.

Happily banded since May 2006.  Regain of 28lbs 2013-14.  ALL GONE!

But some has returned! Up to 175, argh! Off we go again,


Crystal M.
on 6/21/14 9:36 pm, edited 6/21/14 9:36 pm
VSG on 06/23/14

My mom had open gastric bypass 14 years ago. She is still ticking and doing great! :) It is natural for friends and family to be concerned. My sister has strong opinions about the surgery as well. If you look up any surgery or procedure there are risks. WLS is no higher risk than say, having your gall bladder pulled. The surgery has come a long ways since my mom had it. She had to be cut wide open for hers! Now it's laparscopic and much safer. Surgeons have many more years of practice under their belt as well. Ultimately, it is up to you. I urge you not to allow other people to affect your decision. Do your own research. Weigh the pros and cons. And if you decide to make this life changing journey, go for it!

  All things in good time!


on 6/21/14 11:06 pm

When I told my brother three weeks ago that I was having surgery he immediately started telling me about all the people who have died from it, all the people his nurse wife sees in the hospital with complications, blah blah. Guess what, last week he went in and asked his doctor for a referral for wls and is now starting the process himself. Im glad I didn't listen to his scary stories.  My surgery went great and im already down 25 lbs in 4 weeks. 


on 6/21/14 11:27 pm - OH

Ask your friend where that statistic comes from - I've never seen stats that show people die 10 years after gastric bypass.

It would be very, very unusual if your friends know more than one person that has died due to having VSG. I mean, your surgeon  has done how many of these operations and never lost one patient.  So I guess she's known more than 1,000 WLS patients and none of them have died.  How many WLS patients do your friends know?

The risk of dying from VSG is about the same as the risk of dying from any other abdominal surgery, like having your gall bladder removed.  Would they advise you not to do that?

I suggest getting your advice from people with actual medical knowledge and training.

View more of my photos at          Kelly

Please note: I AM NOT A DOCTOR.  If you want medical advice, talk to your doctor.  Whatever I post, there is probably some surgeon or other health care provider somewhere that disagrees with me.  If you want to know what your surgeon thinks, then ask him or her.    Check out my blog.


on 6/22/14 1:39 am - OH
VSG on 03/19/15

The one worked in a hospital and knew two nurses that died during surgery from it.  But like everyone is saying you can die from other complications from different surgeries.  The thing is my Mom is all for me getting this surgery and I think she is hearing what people are saying and she's getting worried about it too.

I told her and my husband I was having it done and if I die then so be it.  But I died trying to make myself healthier.

The tragedy in life doesn't lie in not reaching your goal. The tragedy lies in having no goal to reach.- Benjamin Mays

HW:450, Consult W:371, SW:353



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