gathering info
I'm new to this. I wanted to get as much info regardinggastric bypass. My doctor has sent out a referral. I feel like I'm so ready. I'm tired of being big. I cannot play with my kids anymore :(
I was wondering after a referral has been sent from your doctor, how long until the next step? Also, if I can get any pros and cons of the surgery? Personal experiences
My experience with wls and most things in the medical field Ive noticed lately. STAY on top of them. I could write all day about all the delays that happened, and even more that I avoided simply because one Dr. office poorly communicates with the other.
As soon as referrel was sent, I called the surgeons office to ensure they rec'd it. They had not, so I called back to the Dr. It took a week after it was supposed to be sent to actually be rec'd.
I had also called the surgeons office several times trying to get a list of everything I need to do before being approved. several people had told me I couldn't have it until the appointment, but ya see, I don't handle being patient very well, finally I got it. I was able to do everything I needed to BEFORE I even went to first surgeons office. that saved me at least 30 days!!! At first appointment, she handed me the list of things to do. and I handed her right back everything on it!! from there I continued to stay on them, calling every couple days. My first surgeon Appointment was April 16, I had surgery June 11. They said quite possibly the quickest surgery they had done. lol it depends a lot on how much you are willing to push. I can't tell you how many times I called and what was supposed to have been done wasn't, it was sitting on someone's desk and would probably still be sitting there.
Pros and cons: again for me, I am 1 week out today. I feel fantastic, no pain, I am on liquids only which is working well. I still love food, I still feel like I would love to eat more, but my body and brain now works together in not doing it. Food still smells good, I do have cravings, only now its for soups, or yogurts or protein shakes. I think that's partially because I was on a liquid diet for 2 weeks before surgery as well.
I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE the protein shakes ive been making!!!
I had a goal of walking a mile 1 week out of surgery. I did that on day 6.
ive heard some people talk about worrying of never having sweets again. I was not told I could never have sweets again. What I was told is, I HAVE to have protein, if I eat more that 15 g of sugar or carbs I will be pooping right away, if I eat more than 4 oz I will throw up.
so I can have a piece of cake.... if its more than 4oz ill throw up, more carbs and sugars than im allowed pooping, no protein so ill feel hungry again. OR
I can have a shake. 1 tbls of peanut butter, 2 oz of fat free milk and a tsp of sugar free chocolate syrup and 4 ice cubes. = 4oz, protein, low in sugar and carbs, SWEET and salty and let me tell you about GOOOOOOOOD!!!!! Ill take the shake!! 8-)
I know there are many other people who have many different experiences. For me... I FEEL GREAT!!
Hi Shall, I'm so happy you messaged me :) I will be making those calls. Wondering of you have a list of those things that needed to be handed in?
Also, where about do you live (city). I'm in Barrie and the doctor sent out the referral in May. Wondering how long it took from when you werereferred to when you actually had the surgery?
Is there anyway on here I can send you a private message or is it all posted?
on 6/19/14 2:48 am
My insurance required 9 months of supervised weight-loss amongst other things. The surgeon required several tests, psych evaluation and nutrition counseling for post surgical life. Therefore, from referral to surgery was almost exactly one year. Others may have differing opinions, but I think that time was actually to my benefit. It gave me time to really prepare for the tremendous life change I was making.
I cannot speak for everyone, but for me the pros of surgery have been numerous.
Medically, I was an insulin dependent diabetic. I am no longer (I don't consider myself "cured" but rather in remission). I don't need high blood pressure meds, I no longer have sleep apnea, and I no longer have IBS issues. My resting heart rate went from 102 to 69. My resting blood pressure has gone from 140/90 to 101/67. My triglycerides went from 267 down to under 100.
Personally, I can now fit into any booth, plane seat, lawn chair and theater seat. I can go swimming with my son and take a tub bath without displacing all the water. I can buy clothes because I actually like them and not because they are the only thing that fits. I can walk, hike and yes, even run (!) with my husband and son. I can cross my legs.
I am only just now 6 months out, so my con list is small. Keep in mind that I haven't reached maintenance and am still in the honeymoon period. So far, the biggest annoyances of the surgery have been needing to wait 30 minutes after eating to drink and affording clothing as I go down in sizes. The waiting to drink has finally become second nature, but it was a difficult thing to adjust to at first. The clothing thing sounds like such a great problem to have, but for me, it has been very frustrating at times. Our budget is very tight and I seriously underestimated this expense. Because I teach at a university, it's hard not to have some amount of professional looking clothes to wear … along with bras, underwear and even shoes! I never expected to lose shoe sizes, too! I have found a way around this by selling my old clothes via eBay and using that money to afford second hand clothes as I go down.
Good luck on your journey. I will say that my gastric bypass is without a doubt the best gift I have ever given myself and my family.

"What you eat in private, you wear in public." --- Kat
Hi ttyna , I am just starting the process myself was referred the beginning of may and received a package in the mail the end of may( they will send you doc a confirmation letter about three weeks after referral to say they have received it please keep checking with your doctor to make sure) and an orientation date.
If you post on the ontario forum you will have a lot of your questions answered by a great group of people who have went through or are in the process of getting surgery.