July 11th!
Ahh! I can't believe its actually here. I just got my date, July 11th. She went over all of the scary things that could happen, and what to do to minimize the risk. She said in eight years she's done 1000 surgeries and had two leaks. They are a Center of Excellence, so I've told my over-anxious selfto just put everything in gods hands and trust her, and it will all work out.
I really haven't been doing good with my pre-op eating. I start my pre-op diet on the 27th, so I know that is when I will start losing, but I actually gained a pound since I met with her in April! She didn't say anything about, and didn't have any requirements for me to lose. It's just disappointing that I've been slacking.
For the liquid diet, they allow one meal a day of 3oz of protein. Is it better if I just do protein shakes and liquid? They have to take my gallbladder out too, so I want to get my liver as small as possible.
I feel like I'm in a dream!