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Member Services
on 6/28/14 7:42 am - Irvine, CA

Hi Marcy,

Please check out the Lap Band forum.  You could also post this as a separate post on the General Discussion board and/or the Revision board because we have lots of members with different types of surgeries that can support you. 

We're glad that you're a member of the OH community.


on 6/20/14 5:21 pm

Howdy!  My name is Michelle and I live near Houston, TX with my hubby and my two furbabies (cats-Midnight and Ghost).  I had kicked around the idea of bariatric surgery for years.  This year I finally reached 360 lbs. which is the most I have ever weighed.  I knew it was time to stop kicking it around and do something.  A friend of mine has a PCP who WANTS her to do that, but she's not ready for it.  I asked which surgeon her PCP recommended and I started my research.

My initial consult was April 14, 2014.  My insurance requires 6 months of nutrition classes which I started April 22nd.  I have already had my psych eval (344 questions, really?) and have my endoscopy scheduled for July 25, 2914.  As I continue through my classes, I will also do the cardio testing.  I have lost about 30 lbs. on the diet plan provided by the nutritionist.  She was really pushing ketosis, but that was stressing me out.  I have been much more successful without jumping through that particular hoop.

One thing I am curious about, once insurance or medical requirements have been fulfilled - what is the average wait time for a surgery date?  The way my schedule is looking, my date could come close to the holidays and I'm not sure how I feel about that. 

Wow - that was a lot.  If you've stayed this far - thanks for reading!


HW:  360   CW: 291.8 GW:  170



Member Services
on 6/28/14 7:46 am - Irvine, CA

Welcome to OH.  The names of your furbabies are cute. 

You're well on your way to having WLS by all the pre-op testing you've done. 

The wait time for a surgery date depends on the surgeon.  Usually once you're approved for surgery and your pre-op testing has been completed, scheduling your surgery date occurs shortly after. 

We're glad you're a member of the OH community! 

on 6/21/14 3:22 am

I am new to OH.  My surgery is schedule for July 11!  I've been reading different forums on the web sit for answers to my many questions and thought, "I should register so I can also get the support that I want and need."

Member Services
on 6/28/14 7:48 am - Irvine, CA

You're 100% right!!  By registering and becoming a member of the OH community, you can post, use the tools (Health Tracker, My Journey, etc.) and get the support you want and need 24/7.  You hit the nail on the head because support is only a keyboard away.

Congratulations on your July 11th surgery date.  Please keep us updated on how you're doing before and after your surgery.

on 6/21/14 7:47 am

Hey, everyone!  My name is Jeleana and I had surgery over a year ago. I have done really good so far but now I have a fallen off the wagon a little bit and I have stopped losing weight.  I have about 30-40 more pounds to lose and I am looking for some people to talk to and see if they have any suggestion to help.  

Member Services
on 6/28/14 7:52 am - Irvine, CA

All you need to do in order to get back on track is to go back to the plan of eating that you did when you were losing weight.  Are you being active like you were when you were losing weight?  That's the great thing about our "tool" of weight loss surgery is that it is there for us to use.  I'm 13 years post-op and it still works. 

You could join the OH Group - Back On Track Together for additional support.  You can also post on your surgical message board too.

Welcome to the OH Community.

Best regards,
Member Services Team

on 6/21/14 8:01 am

Hi everyone. I have been sort of reviewing the site but not doing a lot of posting for a little while. Everything I've learned has bith been helpful and confusing. It seems there are different post op approaches from different surgeons. I'm sticking to the recommendations of the surgeon who performed my surgery but am just surprised at the variances. My surgery was June 12th. It's been a pleasantly easy journey so far so I'm thankful and do realize it's early so I'm cautious. I find it easy to get in all the recommended fluid by sipping all day long. Only rarely do I smell something cooking that sort of makes me feel a craving. Those cravings have been short lived and seem to go away when I drink a little more. I'm still on clear fluids until next Thursday. Increasing the diet feels a bit scarey to me. I think because I so want this to work  and food is what got me here. 

Thanks for all the forum posts to read. All information helps set a stage for success. Cindy

Member Services
on 6/28/14 7:55 am - Irvine, CA

You said it - all information helps set a stage for success.  That's one of the things that is great about the OH community.

Follow your surgeons guidelines.  There are some variations from surgeon to surgeon but for the most part, it is all the same. 

Starting food progression is scary.  You'll be eating differently than you were before your surgery.  Keep up your motivation of wanting this to work.  That will help to make a difference.

Cravings are generally short lived because they usually come from head hunger. 

Welcome to OH!


on 6/21/14 8:25 am

Hi there,

My name is Staci and I'm new to the OH community.  I'm 5 days post-op from the VSG and I'm eager to learn what others are experiencing.  I've been obese my entire life and after extensive research on various weight loss procedures and doctors, I am finally committed to a healthier "me" and lifestyle. 

My challenge, so far, is that I'm feeling hungry 5 days post-op.  Trying to gauge if I'm really hungry or if it's my head playing tricks on me!  Also, I don't feel I've experienced the "full line" yet, out of fear of getting sick.  Any advice??


Thanks for creating this great sounding board for people like me.    

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