Are you new to the ObesityHelp Community? Introduce yourself

Member Services
on 7/1/14 5:29 am - Irvine, CA

Hi Jay - Welcome to ObesityHelp and the OH community.

What procedure(s) are you considering?  If you go to the blue bar at the top, you'll see "Forums" and a drop down menu.  Click on "Surgery Types" and you can review the forums and message boards.  The forums will give you information on each of the procedures and the message boards contain posts by members.  You can also post to members to ask them questions and obtain/give support.

If you have any questions or need assistance, please send us an email at [email protected].

on 7/1/14 1:02 pm


I'm Sandie, I'm 42 wife and mother of 3. I have been on the weight loss journey for 21 years. I loose the weight and it comes back. I've lost hundreds of pounds.  And gain it all back. I have wanted WLS for over 8 years and my doctor always said no! "Your young you can do it on you own by diet and exercise".  My doctor gave me a RX for Phentermine for 2 years and I lost 100 lbs. Four years ago I wanted to stop smoking so I took Chantix and I couldn't take the Phentermine. The weight slowly started coming back. I knew when I stopped smoking I would gain some weight. But every month I was gaining. By that time my husband change our insurance to Kaiser. So when I went to see my new Doctor she ordered labs and  told my to eat less and exercise.  Like I don't know that. My lab results came back that I had Hypothyroidism, it took her 6 months to get my meds right. After that I started having gallbladder issues and had it removed in Nov. 2013. In May I was feeling run down and my weight was at the high test ever in my life. So I went to see my Doctor. I was so upset my BMI was 50.1. I told her I was so depressed about how I felt and my weight was so hight she gave my the referral for WLS.  She also ordered labs. They came back saying my thyroid was over worked and I had a vitamin D deficiency, anemia, and iron deficiency. So far I have gone to a Bariatric Orientation, Office Visit with Bariatric Doctor and I start my 12 weeks of Options Classes this week. I have already working on losing 10% of my body weight. I don't know what will be next after that but I know I will find out this week.  All I know is that I'm on this journey one day at a time. I'm in control of today. 



Member Services
on 7/1/14 9:59 pm - Irvine, CA

Welcome to the OH community. Thanks for the introduction!

You're on your way to having your weight loss surgery journey.  Please keep us posted on how it is going.  You're taking charge of your life to have a healthy lifestyle.


on 7/3/14 7:46 am

 Hi I'm a newbie lol. My name is Renae and I'm 18. I plan on getting the sleeve but I haven't set the date yet. I'm really nervous but I'm super happy to be getting it done. I'm ready for a new me. I 'm just here looking for friends and support of my decision. Most of my family approves but some don't and I don't feel all the comfortable talking to my friends about it, they just don't understand. 

I guess you could say I'm in pre-op. I've done a lot of the necessary pre operation appointments and such, just waiting on the approval and on the date. So yeah that is my little rant. Im very interested in advice and support and friendship. :) so yeah 

Member Services
on 7/3/14 7:54 am - Irvine, CA

Welcome to the OH community.  We're glad you're here.

Not everyone can relate to having weight loss surgery.  You need to do what is best for you and your future.  There are many of us that wish we had our weight loss surgery sooner than we did.  You'll find lots of support here.  We encourage you to post and get to know members.  You already know about the General Discussion board (here where this thread is posted).  If you haven't already, check out our Sleeve message board


on 7/3/14 1:05 pm
VSG on 09/03/15

Hello All,

I'm new to all of this. I went for a physical with PCP about 8 weeks ago. He told me my BMI was 53, and he feels that I am a great candidate for gastric bypass surgery. I know my PCP would never recommend anything that wouldnt benefit me, so I made my first appointment at the bariatric center. Its on July 29th. I am a bit nervous and excited. I have read a lot about the processes before the actual surgery. I know its going to be a lot of hard work, but I am scared that after going through everything I may be rejected for surgery. I have a great support system (my family) and they will get me through it, but thats whats going on in the back of my head.

so we will see in a few weeks. Looking forward to all the support this forum provides.

Member Services
on 7/4/14 12:56 am - Irvine, CA

Welcome to ObesityHelp.  We're excited for you too.  We look forward to seeing you on the message boards.

Let us know how your 7/29 appointment goes.

on 7/4/14 3:51 am
VSG on 09/03/15

Thank you so much. I will be sure to keep you posted.

on 7/4/14 12:56 am

I am new her. I am considering the DS, but I am having reservations. I'd love to chat with someone.

Member Services
on 7/4/14 12:57 am - Irvine, CA

Welcome to the ObesityHelp community.  We have a DS message board that you can read lots of posts and post with members. 

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