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Cathy W.
on 6/16/14 12:10 am

Hi Jillian!  It is nice to meet you. 

Congrats on your upcoming three year re-birthday with your WLS and the new addition to your family.  Lots of good things have happened to you in just three years. 

Good luck for your plastics. 

on 6/12/14 9:06 am

Thank you and it is nice to meet all of you. I went through the first class and now they want a PCP letter of clearance from a doctor, but mine do not believe in bariatric surgery. Where can I get this?

on 6/14/14 11:26 am

Hi - I'm new and in the same boat.  I'm still trying to find a Tampa, FL, WLS-friendly PCP.  I'm networking with friends who have had the surgery - but they had theirs 10 years ago, and those doctors are retired.  I'm checking local bariatric websites in hopes of finding someone that will work with me.  Good Luck!

on 6/14/14 11:39 am

Hi, jmhendricks80

   I had gone to a heart clinic a year ago and they scheduled an appointment for me on Monday for a stress test before they give me the okay to go under the knife as they say. If I pass, then they will write the PCP for me. There is only one problem and that is asthma, but believe that if they do this surgery that it will help me to breath better and not have as many attacks. Check with a heart clinic in your area.

on 6/14/14 12:16 pm

Hi Onfire,

Hmmm I was taking PCP too literally then.  Both my cardiologist and pulmonologist have offered to write letters of medical necessity.  I'll be calling them Monday.  Good luck to you!

on 6/14/14 6:30 pm

Get those as well. That way you will have all bases covered. 

Member Services
on 6/16/14 4:04 am - Irvine, CA

Hi Onfire,

Welcome to OH and we are so glad to have you here.  Congratulations on attending your first class, you are on your way!  If you have a PCP that does not support you in your WLS journey you may want to consider finding a new PCP.  Call your surgeon's office and ask them for a list of PCP's in your community they work with.  You can also search our database here using Find a and select Primary/Internal Doctor and put your zip code in and click "GO".  This will give you a list.

We look forward to following you during your journey to better health.  


Cathy & Kathy

Member Services Team

on 6/16/14 7:14 am

Thank you, Cathy & Kathy

     I went to the heart clinic and they did a stress test. The doctor said he was all for the surgery and would fax the PCP to where it needs to go. My blood pressure was extremely high at first, but after eating the crackers with cheese that they gave to me and a glass of water and it had gone down tremendously. Hopefully, they will get it up and started soon with the jump start.

Member Services
on 6/16/14 7:46 am - Irvine, CA

That is good news they are proceeding forward. This is a slow dance so hang in there as it takes awhile but it will be all worth it!

on 6/16/14 7:43 pm

I was leaning more towards bariatric surgery, but now not so sure. A lot of people talk about the sleeve. It is hard to make a decision on what are the major differences.

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