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Member Services
on 6/28/14 9:35 am - Irvine, CA

You're on the emotional roller coaster of WLS!  A very normal thing to experience.  You're in good company because we definitely understand, many of us by first-hand experience.

That's great that your insurance covers WLS.  Sounds meant to be with your PCP suggesting surgery and then found out your insurance will cover it. 

We're glad you're a member of ObesityHelp!

on 6/27/14 1:25 am - Tallahassee , FL

Good morning all !! 

 I am a newbie but several years ago I thought about have the LapBand procedure done. I backed out because of the choking hazards... 

 Now several years later I am ready again to face my demons and make a change. I know have a job that will allow me to recover in a more receipting environment.  I am attending a seminar here in town next Tuesday and am excited..........  So that is all for now. I am happy that I have found you all here. 


Member Services
on 6/28/14 8:33 am - Irvine, CA

We're glad you found us too! 

Please let us know how your seminar goes and what you decide to do.

Welcome to OH!

Savannah Davis
on 6/27/14 1:51 am

I am fairly new to the community. I had the VSG on 06/03/2014 and so far since the start of the liquid diet pre surgery I am down 40 pounds now, but at a stall. I have just started the Puree faze of the program. My issue of course is the stall but the more I read it seems like that is a normal part of this stage, my only other problem is getting enough water through out the day and having the energy to make it through each day. By early morning I am dragging by. I am taking my vitamins as directed and getting all my protein.

What should I do?

Member Services
on 6/28/14 8:32 am - Irvine, CA

You're still recuperating from your surgery, less than one month ago.  Give yourself some time because stalls are normal.  Your body is adjusting from the surgery and your weight loss. 

Try to sip water throughout the day.  Those sips can add up and get you to the recommended 64 ounces. 

Congratulations on your Sleeve!

on 6/27/14 2:19 am

Hi all years ago I found this site and just loved to read answers and questions but never made a profile. I wasn't ready yet...I wanted to give weight loss without surgery one last try. So now I am ready to get my surgery on and I remembered this site how not only was it for people looking to have surgery but to get answers to your questions or just to vent with people who are going through some of the same things you are. So today I would say I'm a new oldbie... I am a proud momma of 3 the bomb kiddies and they have so much life in them I am ready to get this part of my life together.  I am 5'3 230 and have always been so happy with who I was I didn't notice the weight.. My parents told me how beautiful I was and never saw anything different.  Fast foward.. I'm 30 and taking 3 blood pressure meds and starting to feel way older than my age. So thanks for this site and I wish everyone good luck on your journey's. ..I have 4 months left of my supervised weigh ins done with everything else so I'm excited about my future and READY. If I can be a help to anyone please let me know...I'm sure everyone here is willing to do the same. Good luck again

Member Services
on 6/28/14 8:26 am - Irvine, CA

We're glad you're ready now and joined the OH community.

Support and the exchange of information is here for all of us as members 24/7. 

Glad you're here "oldbie"! 

(deactivated member)
on 6/27/14 7:39 am - Upstate , NY

Hello, I'm Karen.  I am working on completing the requirements for surgery.  I have one more nutrition and fitness appointment and need to use the CPAP ??? think thats how it's spelled and I should be all set   I am so glad my surgeon recommended the OH site.  It is very comforting to know you guys are there to help along the way.  

Member Services
on 6/28/14 8:24 am - Irvine, CA

You can be comforted because we're all here for each other (we're post-ops too!).  Please post so everyone can get to know you and you can get the information and support from members.

Welcome to the OH community!

on 6/27/14 8:26 am

Hello everyone!  I am in my 4th out of 6 month medically supervised diet for insurance to cover the WLS.  I have all my pre surgery requirements done and in 2 months will be ready to schedule my RNY.   I have so many feelings right now, excited, want to get it done, nervous, what happens if something goes wrong, what if I fail.  I got up to 380 lbs after my mom died 9 years ago.  I have in the last 4 years lost 100 lbs. I am having the surgery not only for the weight loss (I can do it on my own but I am not consistent) but to hopefully get rid of my diabetes.  I am non insulin diabetic and in the last 4 months with weight loss, I am having problems with low sugars (40-50's low) and I am eating more complex carbs/sugars to get them up.  We are working on my meds but we cannot even it out, either too high or too low. I worry about eating these and not losing weight.......Also I have a couple of questions:

1. What type of protein shakes do you recommend.  I have done optifast and medifast in the past and I had to quit, I could not stomach the taste, I would literally throw up.  What seems to be the one with the least after taste?

2. I have read about people having food funerals prior to surgery.  I have not exactly gone haywire but I have found myself eating something and thinking, well soon I will not be able to eat this anymore so I might as well eat it now.  I am finding myself craving sweets more and more.   This scares me because if I can't get it together in the 6 months prior, what guarantees i will after surgery....I am so scared of failing, I have failed almost every diet I have been on, what I have been doing these last 4 years is eating what I want but in smaller and healthier choices but would go through periods of eating badly then I would get it back together, this was a regular cycle, the reason why it has taken me 4 years to lose 100lbs.   I think I am just going through this mental blow up while waiting!  Fear of the unknown. Then I start thinking, my husband likes fuller figured women, we have been together 30+ years, will he still want me when I am thinner?  I worry about my family, my sister will not deal well with me losing weight and I can see her trying to sabotage me, she has already these past 4 years, will my friends still want to be around me?  Will my personality change? Will I make it through surgery, will I have complications. I just have so many things running around in my head, is all of this normal? 

I have one ace in my pocket, my neighbor and long time friend had her RNY 17 months ago and has lost over 150 lbs.....she said she would hold my hand and get me through the rough times. 

Thanks for listening!

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