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Loretta Anno
on 6/24/14 12:52 am - Alma, KS

I just started the process of WLS and still have a long way to go. Rite now I am still at the beginning stages of the WLS process but I very excited to be on the path to a new, helthier, happier me. Have all my appointments set up for the next couple of months and looking forward to the end results. But I have a wonderful support system, mainly my sister(she just had her WLS) and my husband, but could/will need the extra support. 


Member Services
on 6/28/14 9:57 am - Irvine, CA

Having the support system that you do will be so helpful.  You'll also find lots of support here with other OH community members.

Good luck with your appointments.  They are the first steps in your healthy lifestyle and WLS journey.

on 6/25/14 2:34 am

hi, my name is Krystal.... im interested in weight loss surgery however, I keep finding myself being talked out of it by my bf and his family. The main thing they said is to much weight loss to fast there is excess skin. im just looking into this... for the past three months I have been meeting with a nutritionist. All I've been doing is trying. eating better, working out more. nothing seems to work so I think this is my next step. Any info will be so helpful... I just need to know what I have to do.

thanks -krystal

Member Services
on 6/28/14 9:55 am - Irvine, CA

Welcome to the OH community.  You'll find lots of information, education and support here.

Depending on how much weight you will lose and how long you've been morbidly obese (elasticity of the skin) are factors in how much excess skin. 

We suggest you check out the links below:

Congratulations on taking control of your life and your weight loss journey.

We suggest you research all your options for WLS and OH is the right place for that.  Once you have reviewed your options surgery wise and decided on one then your next step is to find a surgeon.  We can help you with that.    ​​ Here are some links that will be helpful in your research.

on 7/4/14 10:07 am

Hi, I will be following your post because I have the same issue.everyone is telling me no. I have tried tons of different diets and nothing is working I am staying the same weight.  Good luck.

on 6/25/14 3:34 am

I am also a newbie waiting on my suregery date.  Courious as to what to do for the next 3 weeks to make the surgery easier on me and also the surgeon.  Any help.  Been reading some of the posts and I do beleive this forum will be a big help to to. 

Member Services
on 6/28/14 9:48 am - Irvine, CA

Keep reading posts and posting yourself.  You'll find lots of support here.

Eat healthy and exercise.  When you lose weight, even a small percentage, will make the surgery easier to perform.  Your liver is the first internal organ to experience weight loss.  When you lose weight, it will decrease the size of your liver just a bit which makes the surgery easier for your surgeon. 

All the best to you!

on 6/25/14 5:29 am


I am new to the ObeityHelp community.  I started my two week liquid pre-op regimen today.  I am having a vertical sleeve done July 9th.  I am very excited to have the procedure done.  I am having absolutely no second thoughts  or worries about getting sleeved.  I would appreciate any others with close surgery dates  to mine to let me know, so we may be on the same timeline for support issues.  Thanks for all of your support!


on 6/25/14 11:33 am

My surgery is scheduled for Monday June 30th. I have been on the clear liquid diet now for 10 days and have lost 18 lbs so far. It is not as hard as I thought it would be because I am so excited about this process. My husband is also having surgery on the same day. We are being sleeved.  I do have to take Potassium supplements because with drinking all of the water I was going to the bath so much I was feeling very tired and had leg cramps. So you might want to watch for that. Take care and good luck!

Member Services
on 6/28/14 9:45 am - Irvine, CA

Welcome to the OH community!

July 9th is right around the corner.  We love your positivity and excitement.  If you haven't already, check out the VSG message board for other VSG'ers.

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