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We hope you hear something soon. Having a surgery date to look forward to is exciting. Please post on the Discussion Board (the board this thread is on) how it is going and your surgery date.
You can check out our VSG message board for other VSG'ers to read and post with.
Welcome to ObesityHelp!
Hello! I'm considering VSG surgery. I currently have the band and so through with all the throwing up and frustration. I have a couple of questions if anyone can answer them. First, my dr said he recommends that he remove my band in one surgery and do the VSG about 8 weeks after. He said he has done them in one surgery and they went well but he recommends doing it in 2. Anyone have any experience or just an opinion on that? The other is that I put down about 32 oz of water during a workout, would I have trouble with that after the surgery? Also I have read that eating and drinking have to be separate, is this just to ensure you get your nutrition/protein etc before filling up?
Here are some links to other areas of OH that will be helpful to you.
VSG message board
Revision message board
Welcome to the OH community!
I've been stalking my way around ObesityHelp, reading posts, looking at pictures, and (for months) gathering the nerve to make my first post. So, here I am, stepping out of the shadows... I'm currently choking my way through the 2-week liquid pre-surgery diet and looking forward to my RNY with Dr Gabrielsen on July 2nd.
Background: I am a 35-year-old mother of 13- and 14-year-old boys, and still married to my high school sweetheart. I have no major medical issues and I'm determined to keep it that way. I have strong family history for a host of obesity related problems; my mother's health declined suddenly around her 40th birthday and she was gone at 52. The anniversary of her death is just two days before my own birthday, so not only am I getting a year older, I'm also taking stock of my life. This year, I decided I needed a new tool in my weight loss toolbox so I've turned to WLS.
We hope you're glad you posted. No nerve needed - you're among OH friends here.
July 2nd is almost here! WOO HOO. Please let us know how it goes for you. Check out the RNY message board for other RNY'ers.
July 2nd will also be your re-birthday as it is the day you start your new WLS healthy lifestyle.
We're glad you jumped in and joined the OH community. Have you checked out the DS message board? There are lots of helpful and knowledgeable members there.
Crossing our fingers for your approval!
(I've posted this before, elsewhere, but there was no response. Hopefully, I've got it right this time.)Hi. My name is Kim, and while I've been lurking around here for a couple of months, I only signed up yesterday. I'm still jumping through the last of the hoops I need to before submitting to insurance. You would think that with all this jumping I'd already be thin. I have Blue Cross, Southwest Silver, and have been told by my surgeon's office that I'll most likely be denied. I'm using Dr. Korn. I'd like to know what experiences others have had regarding insurance approval.
First off, welcome to the OH community.
Hopefully you won't be denied but it is good you're thinking ahead just in case you are.
Check out our Insurance message board and post on the General Discussion board (the one this thread is on) to ask other members about the insurance approval and denial process.